Reviews for Layers of Secrets
Clare chapter 24 . 6/29
A fab AU fic, adding to my huge file of favourites as we speak :) It has everything...great Nazi plot, action, sexiness, tension, and I'm loving Axel and Klara. Just one thing I'm not sure on, have Maria and Georg got their memories from after the party back yet? It struck me that either I've missed that bit somehow or that hasn't yet happened. Anyways I hope you return soon and finish this story off. I'm dying to read on :)
Bonnie chapter 16 . 6/1
Why wasn’t Georg tested? Both blood and semen?
LOVE LOVE LOVE chapter 24 . 1/7
I’ve reread this story so many times! I love your writing style and this story makes me so happy! I know it’s been years since you last updated but I do hope you continue it because I really do love it. On another note, I hope things are going well in your life and that everything has gotten better since your last update. I understand that it’s hard to find free time and motivation to write when things aren’t going great in life. But I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore this fanfic!
Ms.Supercali chapter 24 . 10/17/2018
"They were finally married." YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!

Glad to know that you're still continuing the story, and can't wait to see what's going on.
HugeJulieAndrewsFan chapter 22 . 1/12/2018
Please finish this story
HugeJulieAndrewsFan chapter 23 . 12/16/2017
Are you going to finish the story or keep updating it cause we all would like to know what’s going on with them all.
HugeJulieAndrewsFan chapter 24 . 12/6/2017
Are you going to update this story I’m probably not the only one that wants to know what happens next in the following chapters
HugeJulieAndrewsFan chapter 24 . 10/22/2017
Please continue this story I really want to know what happens next
Womenreligiousfan chapter 1 . 10/21/2017
Oh,not sure how they would work back then, but very intersting.
eve1993 chapter 24 . 9/30/2017
I'm so happy you're sticking with this story. It's still my favourite story out there, I just can't get enough of it and I hate stories that never get the ending they deserve, so for that I'm very grateful you're not giving up on this story. I know how real life can get in the way and can be a real nightmare at times. I wish I could reach out to you, be sure to know I'll always be here to chat and listen if you ever feel the need to talk to someone. Their new home sounds terrific and Klara and Axel are the best friends anyone could ever have. The angst of all the previous chapters has been replaced by a calm and content feeling.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 24 . 9/29/2017
So happy to see this updated.
All the interactions here were just lovely. But I really liked Maria and Klara's time together. I really loved how Klara handled Maria's worries about the wedding night, turning Maria's preconceived idea of duty into something that she will want to do.
I also loved how she talked to Georg about Klara's suggestion of a party, and when he said 'no', that was the end of it.
And does someone like 'The Fault in our Stars'?
MinionMacXIV chapter 24 . 9/28/2017
I'm glad to see you're back! I understand life gets in the is crazy for me right now. I enjoyed this chapter and eagerly await the next one.

P.S. Don't feel you have to rush through scenes/events/etc. to make up for time. Keep your story the way you want it. Maybe add more details. This chapter felt a bit rushed but that may just be first chapter (after an extended period of time) jitters. :)
Honkytonkangel chapter 24 . 9/28/2017
They're new home sounds fabulous and I'm happy they made it and everything setttled down for them. Hopefully there won't be any more nasty encounters and they really ARE safe now.
Loved seeing all the little family moments and teasing on their journey.
The moments when Georg and Maria finally got some alone time were fabulous too. I love that they decided to wait to be together, that was really sweet. Even though technically it isn't there first time they deserve to treat it as such and make it as romantic, loving and memorable as it should've been on THEIR terms.
Love that both Georg and Maria want the wedding to be small and intimate.
Love that Axel and Klara have moved with them too, their friendship is fabulous. Especially Klara and Maria. It's really sweet how Klara has taken Maria under her wing and helped with everything she can .
I love that she was so honest and kind with answering Maria's questions about the intimacy of a wedding night and marriage. The scene in the shop was too funny, I did feel a bit bad for Maria getting embarassed but I love that she threw herself into it with enthusiasm in the end like she does with most things.
The end of the update was my most favourite part though (I almost wanna start singing, but it's the middke of the night technically, so I'd better not).
YAY, they're married. I'm smiling like an idiot right now, I'm so excited.
This was definitely worth waiting for, ad you can probably tell from the countless times I've written love in this review and I can't wait to see what happens next.
I hope things are ok with you know, or are getting there. Take care.
Honkytonkangel chapter 23 . 9/28/2017
LOVED it, so fabulous. I knew that bastard Zeller would be behind the crash, but Hans being behind the wheel I didn't see coming at all. That was really sad, but a fabulous twist.
It was really cool though how Georg understood why he did it.
Love how supportive Klara and Axel are still being. They totally rock, and they add a lot of humour too amid all the angst which is cool.
Lastly loved the moments between Geirg and Maria. They are so sweet together and now they've been to hell and back (more than once) I hope they will get their happy ending soon.
HugeJulieAndrewsFan chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
Keep up the good work and please continue this story all of us are left at a cliff hanger here. This story has been very good and I would like it to continue.
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