Reviews for Looking Back With Fondness
BlurpleBubbleBean chapter 4 . 3/5/2018
*flops, emotionally drained*
BlurpleBubbleBean chapter 3 . 3/5/2018
Oh my god...I'm crying so hard right now... D,:
BlurpleBubbleBean chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
...Why you do this to me Jem? ... :'(
anonymous reader chapter 4 . 2/11/2017
You did a really good job with the last two chapters. I've read several 'tear-jerker' stories before and I've never cried. I thought this one was going to be the same, but then I actually started tearing up during chapter three.

I think the line that really hit me was Dipper thinking 'I want my Grunkle Stan'. It really shows how even though he may be a legal adult, he's still a kid going through an emotional hurricane.

I also really liked that this is written in Dipper's POV, since he's not usually portrayed as caring about Stan very much.

Overall, I'd have to say this is one of the best GF fics I've read. Great job.
Teletubby2015 chapter 4 . 1/23/2017
I recently lost my grandfather and this really hit me in the feels.
Aaronna chapter 4 . 5/6/2016
I keep saying I am not going to keep reading your stories because they always punch me in the feels, but here I am again. Crying my eyes out for the past hour... This being from Dipper's pov really hammered it home for me. T_T
Kalajorn chapter 4 . 3/3/2016
Good story. So many feels. I keep realizing Stan will probably die before Ford *Gives you a hug and runs off into the night*
StkAmbln chapter 4 . 1/19/2016
Holy... I'm so glad this super emotional fic is finishing by making me laugh.
Dang... four amazing chapters. Third chapter takes the 2016 Gravity Falls FanFiction Award for "Best Chapter" *sighs* I mean, if there was a 2016 GFFFA.

Okay, so... I hadn't realized the amazing relationship Dipper and Stan have. It's not much portrayed in the show, but as manyother things in Gravity Falls, it is suggested, and it's there, everybody knows it exits, and you have to go to the fandom to get something solid. Like this friggin fic.
I cried like I haven't cried in a lot of time with a fic. Dipper was so... open with his emotions, tryring to fight them back, but evebtually he just was "naked", crying on the floor, like a little kid. The things they said next, what Dipper said about Stan's smell, the way he used to put his finger on his chin, all the little things he remembered from his uncle, taht all speaks of amazing relationship we probably will never see.
And this final chapter, Wow! It's like the other side of Stan's death we needed to see after the hard heartbreaking aspect. Here it's all the funny, yes funny! details of Stan's character that will remain after his end.
Also, when you first said that Soos' daughter was named Stanley, I first thought it was a mistake, and that she was named "after Stanley", her name being just Ley. Then, I thought this was the only thing that annoyed me of the fic, because it was too much weird even for Gravity Falls. Wow, at the end of the chapter I'm thinking how nice name is Stanley for a girl! Is it weird that I think like this? Beacuse it's just so beautiful they named her like that, and man! It sounds strange at first, but if people read the story of this family, yes they are ALL a family, if they know all that has happened, it's the greatest thing in the world.
Finally, it's juat so amazing how Stan practically has become a part of Dipper, the kid knowing how he thinks, repeating his phrases, even having a similar personality, and how Dipper has in some way assumed Stan's role. There's gonna be some rivalry there with Soos. He gets the outfit and the Mr, Mystery title, bt Dipper gets the car and love for little Stanley... oh what the heck! Dipper is Stan's successor!

Man, I have to sstop here or I won't read any other fic today, but I doubt any other would be at the level of greatness like this one.

This fic is awesome.

Thanks for writing it.

"No refunds!"
StkAmbln chapter 3 . 1/19/2016
Fuck, I'm crying now.
I mean, when I was reading those lines, but I had to wait to write, and I'm not going back to that moment or I won't be able to finish the story.
H80NP chapter 4 . 1/15/2016
new humor fics? reaaally? that's nice! i liked the idea of naming soos' kid stanley but if stanley's 8 and dipper's 18 in this fic, then stanley was born two years before soos married Melanie. what the hell. and also, giving wendy his guns and knife, was awesome! i can imagine how glad she is! anyways, if you have new stories to write, write'em and if you wanna update others, write'em.
GuardianCherisher chapter 3 . 1/11/2016
Oh, Dipper, that was very brave of you to let him go in peace and not keep him for yourself. I'm so proud of you. (Love this fic btw)
violets fire chapter 3 . 1/11/2016
awww that's so sad:( I'm like crying but I love this story so much.
OpenUpPandora'sBoxOnlyIfYouDar chapter 2 . 1/8/2016
Heart. . . .breaking. . .crying hard. I feel your pain, Dipper! Oh, great job again HAT! Getting me to cry is difficult, and really shows your skill here. Keep it up and Happy (or heartbreaking) Story Weaving!

Liliana Dragonshard
H80NP chapter 2 . 1/6/2016
ohh, my god. I've never felt this much love to Stan. great job! but there was a typo, by the way. you wrote"hearrt". it has an extra r. i'll be watching!
GuardianCherisher chapter 2 . 1/6/2016
Oh boy, Ford is up. This is going to hurt
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