Reviews for The Greatest Gift: Hope
Morethenmeetstheeye chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Such a cute story
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
So beautiful I cried im still crying OMG so cute and lovely
AngelOfFluffiness chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
I remember solely watching the episode chain where Yuma had to go to the Astral World to save Astral (it was the part my Yu Gi Oh fanatic friend was watching at the time and so it was one of the only parts I saw because I've never had time to see the whole show)
But I pointed at them when they hugged once Astral was free from deletion, squeaked, and yelled that I shipped it.
My friend called me an idiot, I called myself genius.
Ahem... That being said, this is absolutely feelsy and beautiful! You did an amazing job! Thank you for such a lovely read!
Sakura9801 chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
Ă–WWWW! So cute! I loved this one shot, i love kershipping but also i love photonshipping and i love sharkbait... I LOVE YUMA! :DDD

Ejem, this is very romantic and cute, Astral and Yum They make a cute couple 3

I hope you write more of them 3

See ya!