Reviews for Akumu
RRina chapter 1 . 1/26
I don't know how to press my feeling to let you know how much I LIKE THIS WORK. It's great story and I love it! So lovely and good fluff I melt already. Big thanks for this nice work!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
This was a really great story! I really enjoyed it! Although I'm kinda scared now because I'm kinda the same as Leo I also have asthma but I haven't gotten an attack since I was also 6 and I honestly don't have memories of what it's like getting an attack or what it feels like so it scares me cause I don't know what to expect and like I'm 16 and I really wish I don't have to experience it
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
Nicely done!
FearlessLeader-Leonardo chapter 1 . 3/6/2016
Awww I just want to hug Leo
TheMaskedTimelord chapter 1 . 2/22/2016
I love this story! So many feels! I also kind of like the idea of Leo having Asthma. Amazing job with this story! Hope to read from you soon! :) :) :)
TheWanderingCat96 chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh that was lovelyyyy~
Wow- what an emotional rollercoaster! I wouldn't mind getting on again :3
I lovelovelove the overall composition of the story- I am genuinely shocked that you made Leo asthmetic- sorta- but it felt like an icing on the cake for me! (Shit am I a sadist?)
In conclusion, Kudos to this story and Kudos especially to you~

Signed, Aria.
Natalie Ryan chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Awesome story. I really liked this story. About that pic, I saw it on Instagram, but I forgot the account where I saw it. It sounded nice the thing with the tears, you are right. Tears aren't a sign of weakness.
Sara Hamato chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
I really liked your story. It really was a great annex to the episode, I loved how you showed the residual effects of Fungus humungous that should be more rooted in Leo, which did not appear in the series. The relationship that existed between his brothers and his father was great (and as to what Splinter said, is absolutely right. Tears are not weakness), brindanole the love and support he needed.

Truly this one-shots is compelling at first dude (I do not read many one-shots as long stories called more my attention), but once I started reading it I just could not stop, I really admire your writing, I hope continue reading you.

He says goodbye Sara Hamato

PS: I loved your other one-shots, 'Sleep Well Bro'

PS If you find any error in this message, I apologize. My native language is not English, so I use Google Translate to read your story and to write review.
pownxmanonnie chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
aw so cute! i really liked... no loved the story!
jimintomyjams chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
Awesome job! It was so fluffy! xD I love fluff and angst and boy, did you deliver! ;) Keep up the awesome work and, just a quick question, are your requests for these kind of things still open?
Sairey13 chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Leo has asthma?... Wow... I'd like to see a story of that (or at least a flashback moment of it happening, since April and Casey would want to know how the Hamato Clan discovered Leo had asthma when he was six).

Also... You know? I wondered, because of how many times Leo was exposed to the spores (I counted to somewhere around 14, though he could've been exposed to more times while we were watching how the others were doing), that they would still have some sort of effect on him, even after he killed the Fungus Humungous.

Like, if he were to still doubt himself and/or even has the slightest feeling of fear, that would trigger his fear and have him (temporarily) paralyzed in fear. Or, whenever he sleeps or even closes his eyes, the memories will haunt him every single time with different events on what would happen if he didn't defeat the Fungus Humungous... Although, it could at times become an advantage to him: If something were to appear scary and dangerous to his team, he wouldn't hesitate to fight it to protect his siblings (including April and Casey). He would also prefer to distance himself and stay near to the shadows (in case his fears would try to stop him from leading his team), which would actually improve on his stealth, being silence and unable to be located by the enemies.

One more thing... Happy to see that you've finally updated another story, and I hope to see more from you very soon.