Reviews for Midnight Revelations
AshenMoon42 chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
I like the friendship between Lily and Sirius here. Really good!
spk chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
I love the idea you came up with here. Great scene and a great way for Lily to learn more about the real Marauders. :)
BooksAreMedicine chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
Good for Sirius...Lily was prejudiced against them.

Good point about Snape provoking them too

I never really liked the whole, oh Snape loved Lily, must be a hero. Doesn't excuse how horribly he bullied Neville all those years
icecatfire chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
yes, lily you will. :) though i WILL concede with the fact that james, sirius, and peter have a small problem with bullying. but like sirius said about james. they have good hearts under that. :) loved the story. and loving the series. going through it slowly, OH and i just realised something going through each story to see what is apart of "bond of family" series. i've read a few stories of the series without realising they were part of a series. so YES i'll be checking out the series. :D
GodricGeoffreyGryffindor chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
Cringe! "These are dark enough times", not "It are dark enough times". The subject must agree in number with the verb and object. Better is "These times are dark enough".

Sirius knitting a sweater with a cat in his lap is a funny picture, especially if the cat's playing with a ball of yarn that Sirius is trying to knit with.

I'm glad this story presents a more sympathetic picture of James than canon did. JKR makes Remus and Sirius give plenty of statements that James wasn't just an "arrogant bullying toerag", but since most of what Harry forms his opinion on are isolated memories that Snape deliberately selects, most readers think he is a bully.
katiek121 chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
Excellent chapter!
Melinda the Proud Bookworm chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
Need the scene of Walbirga showing up at school!
shadz chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
The characterisation in this is really good!
Warrior-fighter-Hallelujah chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Beautifully Written!
hauntedpumpkin56 chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Eidyllia chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Sorry, for disappearing... I've had some problems... Anyway, great story, as always! I always love the way you portray Rowling's characters and especially love the way you make Sirius and Lily interact with each other!
What you write is true, shame on Snape!
"The only responsible of those four", such a good, Lily-esque description of Remus ;)
Sirius is very sharp-minded, I like this! And Lily is lovely, I wanted to hug her!
Another thing I found cool: the twists of tongue! Sever-Snape, Bla-Sirius, B-Sirius... Mere moments before real friendship, here!1 Yay!
And of course, I'm glad Sirius helped James with Lily! Very glad!
Oh, Sirius' mother at Hogwarts... You sometimes mention it: will it become a story on its own? It would be cool!

Thank you for all your work, your wonderful work! chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
ah, so sweet. Brilliant chapter in the saga again :)
crystaldove chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
Beautiful. And you hit on so many things and possibilities that JK omitted. Like Sirius said, Snape was no angel and it finally gets hammered to Lily in the book after Snape sees her after the MB incident. She told him that he was with others that picked on muggleborns. No better than he claimed James to be. And he did start it by picking on James choice to be in Griffyndor. Just like malfoy, he can say whatever but calls foul when it happens to him.

No matter what Snape fans state, he wouldn't have married Lily or remained friends. The Dark Arts fancinated him too much and he hung with DEs.

Snape might have had a childhood like Harry, a muggle-raised half-blood from an abusive home, but he knew about magic. He had his pureblood mother and thinking back to the book, he was described as wearing a poncho, shorts and boots I think. So that had me wondering why did his father let him dress like that? Drunk or not, he would have commented so what if he, like Tom Sr, was drugged and him drinking was his escape from Snape's moms imprisonment. Or was he religious and found out he married a witch but because of his faith couldn't divorce her... then he had a wizard son... so he drank excessively?

Thoughts that are possible especially when you read McGs cannon history.
dancingonstars chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
This was great. I really loved Sirius and Lily' s openly honest conversation. I like the idea of them bonding over family problems.
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