Reviews for Debris
KeshiUprise chapter 1 . 3/24
As I'm here bathing in my own pool of tears, I've got to say what an amazing journey it has been reading this. As screwed up as it may sound, it's both depressing and amusing to see how much life takes a crap on Erron. Though I do wish in the end he could've got the words "I love you" out to Alex, but I guess he won't get the chance with, as well as with the other women in his past - but like he said it wouldn't fit him, so there lies a bittersweet ending. Either way, this has been one of the best fanfictions I have ever come across - one that could actually manage to fit somewhere in the actual lore of Mortal Kombat and not change many things around. I hope you continue writing if that's what you enjoy, I'll gladly take on anything you create.
TheInfiniteRipTide chapter 60 . 3/22
A poetic end to a poetic piece. I feel peace
Gray Fox anon chapter 60 . 3/9
The ending is very heart-breaking, but it reflects to the viewer that not all endings are going to be happy ones like most fairy tales. One minute, Alex and Erron have a possible chance to be together, the next, Alex is gone forever. While there seems to be a bit of an open ending for the gunslinger, the whole conversation he had with Yvo seem to indicate that Erron is destined to be alone for the rest of his long, long life.

The story has been intriguing from beginning to end; it has been a rollercoaster of a ride with the ups and downs, twists and turns. Since you’ll probably be retiring from fanfiction, you can be proud of your work with your head up high.

Thank you, Kumulonimbus, and good luck to your future endeavours in writing original fiction. *salutes*
TheInfiniteRipTide chapter 55 . 11/9/2019
Wow, another chapter that leaves me speechless. Erron can't catch a break
Now that El Club and the Rebel-Seekers are done for, what or who is the new adversary that Erron and Alex will face?
Erron must happy now that he finally got the s*ex he wanted
I think my favorite part of this chapter is REALLY seeing the changed man Erron has become, and see the man Alex fell in love with. Also the pacing and description of Erron and Alex doing it, it was fast and needy like they were, but the description was passionate and meaningful, it was just perfect
TheInfiniteRipTide chapter 55 . 11/7/2019
omg omg this is it this is it! I'm both excited and nervous on whats to come
Guest chapter 54 . 6/19/2019
So great to read you again! Keep up the good work!
Westcoast Witchdoctor chapter 54 . 6/7/2019
Loving these developments!

I get the feeling we'll be seeing old Nate-ski and Red Eye pretty damn soon!

Hopefully Kotal takes Erron's side on what might potentially be going down. Which hopefully means a reunion of the Kotal Squad (or whatever is left of it).

Dope stuff homegirl!
Guest chapter 52 . 10/1/2018
Is this story dead? I hope not.
Westcoast Witchdoctor chapter 52 . 12/24/2017
Sorry to hear about your dog! You have my sincerest condolences. I completely understand if there's need to put this story on a (brief) hiatus. Take as much time as you need!

This was a nice breather, Erron being the lovesick dork is always nice to see. It's good he and Alex are finding some common ground as a newly married couple.

As always excellent work!

DannyPhantom619 chapter 51 . 12/21/2017
Synnocence chapter 51 . 12/17/2017
I finished this too fast and now I’m gunna just patiently wait for a next chapter lol. I really can’t wait to see what happens and I’m lookin forward to Erron getting back in the saddle so to speak to take these Syndacate jerks down and I’m really happy to see Alex and Erron seeing eye to eye now. Love this fic so much!
Synnocence chapter 49 . 12/17/2017
This is one hell of a roller coaster lmao... I’m sad I’m almist caught up with this story..
Synnocence chapter 44 . 12/16/2017
Gross sobbing intensifies.. you’re mean as hell lol I thought you said awhile back you didn’t intend for him to find out!?
Synnocence chapter 43 . 12/16/2017
Their not so relationship is killing me lol
Synnocence chapter 40 . 12/15/2017
That bit about the universe always giving him a “her” and repeating the same mistakes over and over really killed me. I kinda thought this a little ways back and then reading him actually say that really made my heart sink. I’ve been binge reading this in any spare moments I’ve been getting and apparently I like to hurt. Can’t stop reading.
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