Reviews for Furlough
Sajonia-Weimar chapter 10 . 6/3
Fantastic chapter... but I was waiting for a kiss jajajaja Well, maybe Phasma it's finally turning into a full human. The pairing of Phasma/Dameron it is one of my favorites. Please, continue )
PrincessStarberry chapter 8 . 1/21
Okay, your author's note made me think of my favorite "Taming of the Shrew" interpretation-"Ten Things I Hate About You"-because charming guy with curly hair who's cocky but also a sweetheart-and blonde girl who's been done wrong in the past, but that doesn't mean she doesn't hurt and doesn't want to be cared about...and the memory of the sleazeballs at the academy, and the bets they made, also remind me of the movie. And, even though she's done some horrible things, and she and Poe are on different sides-I don't want him to hurt or betray her-because that little girl is still in there (and in the flashback, I totally pictured her as Gabrielle Delacour from "Harry Potter"!)-and I don't think she's 100 percent evil. That being said, she did just sneak out...and Poe is Not going to be happy when he realizes that!
PrincessStarberry chapter 7 . 1/16
Okay, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw that this story had been updated!

I'm glad you're ditching the canon background story-I actually like yours better, because I feel like it gives so much more potential for character development (for a character that didn't get nearly enough development or screentime, imho). Also, holy cow, the setting references are gorgeous!

I really love the continued conflict within these two characters between who they are as peope and their roles within opposing organizations. In Phasma's case, there's also a discrepancy between who she's become, largely out of fear, and who she could be-but we're seeing more and more proverbial cracks in her armor.

Looking forward to reading more-something tells me the next chapter is going to be very interesting indeed!
Alfa123 chapter 7 . 1/10
Love it hope you make more soon
FALLING-ANGEL24 chapter 7 . 1/10
Omfg you’re alive! I’m so so so sooooo happy that you’re updating again! I am just so in love with this ship and how well you write all the characters! I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Sajonia-Weimar chapter 5 . 1/8
Magnificent. Please, continue!
Alfa123 chapter 5 . 1/4
Love this hope you continue soon
Agent N chapter 5 . 1/3
I love this story and a developing dynamic relationship between Poe & Phasma. Honestly, this is the second Captain Phasma fanfiction I read here(I forgot the title of the first one).

Question is: Captain Phasma of the Resistance anyone? XD
figbassist75 chapter 5 . 1/4
For starters, just a bit of SPAG. The line “With Phasma momentarily focusing on attempting to asses” should read as “With Phasma momentarily focusing on attempting to assess”. You left an “s” out of “assess”. Other than that, as a reader, I’m pulled back into this story through the opening passages. Great Star Wars-style action scene here that has the feeling of a Star Wars movie or live-action TV series. Yes, I’m looking in your direction The Mandalorian.

The banter between Poe and Phasma is well suited for this scene. It’s believable because it preserves the animosity between sworn enemies while also sealing a much needed, if not temporary, bond between them for the purpose of survival. There is a plethora of gripping tension in this scene as well, which serves to complement the dialogue and action sequences.

I’m not going to spoil anything for other readers who are browsing the review section. That said, I will end the review with this. The dynamic between Poe, Kes, and Phasma for the rest of the chapter is not only a fascinating one but also an emotional one as well. As much as I enjoyed elements from the Star Wars movies in the Sequel Trilogy, those three films could have benefited from the inclusion of such dynamics. Keep up the great work!
Krionik chapter 6 . 2/12/2018
I hope this is updated soon :)
figbassist75 chapter 4 . 1/21/2017
I liked the introduction with Phasma dreaming of her punishment for failing the First Order. It would seem that would be the exact course they would follow. I have never believed that she gets along with Hux in any manner other than professional. I sense a rivalry between the two of them. We get to see a glimpse of that here. And we are also introduced to a hint of her origins.

The interaction with Kes was interesting. He was trying to ascertain an identity from the mysterious female fighter pilot who crashed on his property. Phasma was defiant as usual in this scene, which kept with her character. We also get a glimpse of the fate Kes has in mind for her. He can't afford to let her stay because of the risk she is to him and his family.

And then we have the ending with a very pleasant homecoming for a certain father and son. I am really enjoying reading this story. You are doing a wonderful job in presenting a tale that is believable and entertaining. Keep up the great work!
figbassist75 chapter 3 . 1/11/2017
I love your take on how Phasma escaped from Starkiller. It something that I've wondered myself ever since I saw The Force Awakens the first time. I guess we all knew that Phasma was too good of a character for them to not use again. I could visualize her struggle in her attempt to escape the base as it destroyed itself. I could also feel her pain from the injuries she suffered.

I really enjoyed the TIE sequence as well as the subtle nods to hyperspace jumps that hinted at some of the pointers that Han gave Luke in A New Hope about precise navigational plotting to avoid running through a star or other hazards found in space.

The scenes where Phasma crash lands were thrilling to say the least, especially the chase through the forest. I was on the edge of my seat. This was another exciting chapter in a great story. Keep up the great work!
figbassist75 chapter 2 . 1/9/2017
I love the intensity of this chapter. It's clear that Phasma is having rather conflicting thoughts concerning Poe. I loved how she moved between emotions of disdain for an enemy and even a hit of empathy for the Resistance pilot.

I'm loving what you are writing here. Poe is my favorite Resistance character while Phasma is my favorite First Order member. I can't describe how awesome it is to having her and Poe interact in the same story. If you are shipping the two of them, know now that I have shipped them since the release of Force Awakens. There is something about the way Gwendoline Christie and Oscar Isaac interact with one another off set that raises my suspicions that the characters just might come together in canon soon.

All in all, another great chapter. I look forward to reading more! Keep up the great work!
figbassist75 chapter 1 . 1/4/2017
First off, I love the continuity between the opening of the story and the scenes of Poe arriving on the Finalizer as shown in The Force Awakens. I always wondered what his ride up to the ship was like as I watched the film and read the corresponding novel.

I feel that you have captured both Poe's cockiness and his stubbornness very well here. I love the smart alec remarks he made at Phasma, which is in line with some of the lines he used on Kylo Ren in the film.

I also loved how you showed Phasma as a brutal, cold, unswerving leader. It is just as she was in the film but I feel that with their interaction, you are going to develop her character a little more than what we saw in TFA. I certainly hope so. It's a shame she didn't get more screen time in the movie, though her scenes are slightly expanded in the novel to TFA.

All in all, I enjoyed this first chapter and look forward to reading more in the future. I have added this story to my list of favorites and follows lists. Please keep up the good work!
PrincessStarberry chapter 6 . 1/2/2017
I was SO happy to see an update on this story in my inbox! I love to see how different authors interpret characters, and see where they go in their development. I also love seeing the soft side of tough girls, who are often just incredibly hurt (and have often made incredibly bad choices as a result)-and Poe-I love his mixture of humor and compassion-he's a guy's guy but has a soft heart. I'll be looking forward to another update for sure :)
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