Reviews for A Strain of One Shots
equipagan chapter 2 . 3/6/2018
Wheee! I'd not come across this one before!
Love Quinlan being Very Bloody Aware of that...
Min chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
OMG, I love this, Quinlan is the most incredible and amazing character in both the book and tv shows. I haven't seen any ffc about him before, but now I have and this one is sooooooooooo beautiful!
14member chapter 6 . 7/16/2017
IT'SO It's so sad and beautiful
And horror, purgatory for the souls of the vessels. really dark!
And this phrase "I was born too late, but I still found you." I think it best reflects what Coco was supposed to be. I think if she had been born earlier. If she had met him before. Maybe he would find the meaning of his life in her and did not go into a deal with the Master ever.

Can I translate this chapter into Russian? And publish in a Russian forum? if you do not mind?
androiddreams chapter 5 . 10/30/2016
I couldn't exactly figure it out so I have to ask. Do they or don't they have the 'necessary parts' here in your fics? I thought they did but then it kinda seemed like they didn't and now the curiosity is killing me.
snuggy29 chapter 5 . 9/25/2016
Wow Fet had lost his mind. He keeps disrespecting Quanlin and Vaun and their women he has a beating coming soon. I don't get it, is Vaun with Rae or Domitilla? It's confusing, Lexi stood up for her man so did Rae . I love it.
Please update soon.
snuggy29 chapter 4 . 9/24/2016
Wow Vaun is really sweet but what about Quanlin woman?
snuggy29 chapter 3 . 9/24/2016
Nice update, but I had no idea what this was about its been so long I had to go back and read chapter a and 2. But I love it . Please continue it.
Aleksandra'rt chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
This OS is, how did humans describe it? Ah, yes, cute. :3
(i hope you understand, i don't speak english very well)
alluvesscs11 chapter 2 . 2/24/2016
Love it! Please keep going!
snuggy29 chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
I love this story. The born has a woman, how nice please update soon.
snuggy29 chapter 2 . 2/15/2016
Nice chapter, Vaun is a nice guy.
Mrs.HappyAnarchy chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
I like it. I will continue to read when updated