Reviews for The Other Side: Crossroads (Book 2)
Guest chapter 5 . 3/20
this story needs more reviews.
love it!
Toujours Pur chapter 5 . 1/21
"It was probably a sign of how fucked up his entire family was that the look his parents shared at that revelation was one of relief."

Cracked me up so hard lol

You've got one of the most well-written stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Seriously what the fuck I'm still at awe!
AshenMoon42 chapter 5 . 11/23/2019
Ooh, nice ending!

This is well written as always, with realistic characters and emotions. It's always interesting to read this because of its difference from other marauders fics - Sirius' life is so much more interesting and complicated here. It is quite hard to remember what's going on after having a break though!
Guest chapter 5 . 11/17/2019
Yessss! I so so hoped that you would update again, thank you! Loved evrything about it!
Chim Cheree chapter 5 . 11/16/2019
Another great chapter. You described Sirius inner struggle so well, I think this is one of the most interesting portrayals of him that I have read. The other characters, especially Rabastan but also the Blacks and the other students are also so well written. You just nail their characters. Thank you for the update!
Nana1995 chapter 4 . 11/9/2019
update please
Guest chapter 4 . 5/17/2019
Noooo :( I’m hurt! This was beyond emotional and real agh
But, thank you for the update
Can’t wait to read the next one
Chim Cheree chapter 4 . 3/24/2019
I was really excited to see a new update to this story, thank you! I always enjoy your characters and writing style, and of course the plot. I'm not sure if I asked this before - if I have, it's been a while - but is it set in stone for this story that later events will play out as they did in canon? (Sirius in Azkaban, etc.) Or is there the possibility of things turning out differently? Or will the story end by the time Sirius would be in Azkaban? Thanks again for writing, I'm looking forward to the next chapter already!
AshenMoon42 chapter 4 . 3/17/2019
I'm so glad you updated! This was another finely written chapter - it was really nice to return to this fic with such a dramatic turn at the end. I'm looking forward to reading more of this!
Guest chapter 3 . 1/17/2019
I have really enjoyed your characterisation of sirius. Alot of stories make him out to be some sort of angel or something. I feel like this idea of him walking a bit of line between his friends and his family would likely have been more accurate. Its unlikely that he just turned on everything his family had ever told him and I would imagine his view on dark magic could be a bit blurred... I mean he did try and feed his enemy to a werewolf
AshenMoon42 chapter 3 . 9/4/2018
Almost a year since an update ... please continue! Your writing is really good, and your characters are portrayed really well. :)
Chim Cheree chapter 3 . 12/23/2017
I remember seeing the update in October and thinking I'd wait for another chapter before rereading the whole story, but today I just couldn't resist. I liked the chapter well enough, there were a few interesting parts, though it somehow felt like it was mostly preparation for more to come.
The future of Sirius' relationship with Janice, the project with Rosier, the Hogsmead weekend and what the hell is going on with Rabastan...
Now I want to read the next chapter all the more, I really hope you update soon. Thanks for writing an interesting story.
Chim Cheree chapter 2 . 12/23/2017
Great chapter! I actually liked everything about it. The interaction between Mrs Potter and Sirius, but also Sirius and his family, and of course Sirius and Rabastan. Bellatrix reaction was very well done, and I'm curious to see if Evan Rosier is suspicious now.
I always imagined him quite differently than he is shown here. Of course we don't really know much about him... apart from that he preferred fighting to death to Azkaban. Anyway, I'm curious to see where you are going with this character.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/29/2017
you're back! love it as usual
Guest chapter 2 . 7/16/2017
This is one of my favourite stories. So well written and interesting. Not one boring paragraph. Love Sirius and Rabastan. I am so glad you posted a new chapter, I hope there are many to follow!
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