Reviews for Treading Water
Guest chapter 10 . 6/4
I loved It!
southernpies chapter 3 . 4/25
You really put the scandalous in Rogue.
IvyHearts chapter 10 . 4/19
Okay wow. This story was not what I thought it was going to be when I first started reading but holy crap! That was decadent! Now that’s real love!
Lifeseverchanging chapter 10 . 11/9/2018
Woah.. I’m not going to lie to you... I love the majority of your stories I’ve read but if I could take back reading this I probably would.. This one definitely crossed a line I wish it hadn’t. I kindve regret reading this one because as soon as I read that one chapter I was like “abort, abort” frantically looking for the “erase from mind” button (as it turns out I don’t have one). I kept waiting for the part in the story where somehow that scene hadn’t actually occurred but it never came (denial is something, eh?).

This was a hard read and even though I sincerely wish I hadn’t read this one (Rogue has been destroyed in my eyes in legacy so this just about murdered me) it truly doesn’t take away from your skills as an author. Maybe it even adds to it? Yes I’m sure it does.

Thank you for sharing your work. I appreciate the heck out of it but I wanted to be as honest as I could.

Now I’m off to create a mind eraser... but mainly for Legacy.
WhenInRomy chapter 10 . 7/28/2017
Such a good fic... until daddy had to get frisky with his prospective daughter-inlaw! Man... it was really hard for me to stomach Anna and Jean-Luc together... gag-worthy, actually. There are just some boundaries one shouldn't cross when it comes to relationships, and, personally, sleeping with your beloved's father would defiifely be a deal breaker for me. Try as I might, that instance effectively killed what was turning out to be one kick ass fic. I'm glad Romy got their happy ending but it felt rushed and I couldn't be persuaded to see it lasting... dang it!
darklover chapter 10 . 7/23/2017
You wrote this angst-sy story really well. Of course, I didn't like you had Jean Luc and Rogue go there, but I'm impressed on how you resolved the situation between our fave Southerners. I didn't expect Rogue to want to tell Remy what had happened, but I'm glad they have cleared the air.
Storyjumper chapter 10 . 10/8/2016
It has been a long time since I cried reading something, damn you for breaking my five year long streak. At the same time that was a brilliant work of art that I loved and had me very upset with my computer when it didn't load a chapter 7, I manged to get it to work but still very upsetting. This is the kind of work I want to be able to write.
xevg-x chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
I enjoyed a lot this chapter, funny, well written and has a Natasha!
danielemlac chapter 10 . 7/24/2016
Nossa. Sem palavras. História perfeita. Quando você disse que haveria um momento escuro estava brincando. Mas eu amei isso. Ammo ROMY . Parabéns
Guest chapter 10 . 6/28/2016
I loved it!
nowen chapter 6 . 6/22/2016
nowen chapter 5 . 6/22/2016
they left him!? O.O

and the other stuff...nope, couldn't read it
nowen chapter 4 . 6/22/2016
remy :(

honestly, i couldn't even read some of the previous chapters. the flirting between remy's dad and rogue was bad enough, but hinting at more? sorry, couldn't do it
Jazz Maynard chapter 10 . 3/20/2016
C'est magnifique!
slightlyxjaded chapter 10 . 3/18/2016
I LOVED IT SO MUCH! Nothing between them is ever easy and you made that clear. Forever really is a wonderful word and brings me much hope for these two. Amazing job!
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