Reviews for The Thinnest of Threads
Zyzyax chapter 1 . 3/6/2017
Not bad. Not really a tearjerker, but I think it captures depression better than a story that is.
aniseed flower chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
Oh Alex. Couldnt blame him at all. Lets be honest. Poor man child. Thank you for writing this and sharing it with is! Again. Depressing but lovely to read. Thanks!
M-chanchen chapter 1 . 4/24/2016
wow, this is really great and amazing and ... I have not the right words to describe it properly. You did an excellent job at writing this, very well done. I really like it.
Don't worry about the amount of depressing part of your stories, the Alex Rider fandom contains this too and it is more realistic than a funny one. Of course, many prefer to read the funny ones but Alex does really hard missions that would break everybody at some point - most before Alex. So it is completly okay to write more fanfictions like this. Just don't get yourself caught up in it because then it would be bad for you.
You're really a great writer
Guest chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
DAMN it's good. Like you, I'm more into humor, but this angsty drabble really made me think again. You should definitely consider writing more like this.
X4uth0r chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
That was absolutely beautiful. I especially liked the poetic wording mixed with all that angst. Pure bliss. Not to mention that's spot on to why Alex would want to end it all, and that's exactly what would make him stop. *Fantastic* job.
BrigithBriice chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
Ok, so, this was seriously sad. And very well written. And my god, this was good.
Anyway, I truly liked this - even though my heart is bleeding for Alex :(.
Thanks for sharing!