Reviews for Echoes in the Memory
Buck and Cap's Princess chapter 162 . 10/16/2018
Finally finished it all! More soon!
CharmingButIrrational chapter 2 . 8/26/2018
Its already 162 chapters in but...Steve lived in NY until at least the first Avenger movie. Also I'm pretty sure Shield couls have set up something more professional and discrete for the meeting between Bucky and Steve like say Shield head quarters so Bucky would know it's real/serious and also so its more private. Just makes more sense
karina001 chapter 162 . 8/20/2018
Welcome baby Esme, to an extended family that is singularly unique. Everyone is moving forward, Justin is still saying no... and his workmates haven't asked pointed questions yet. Pepper's back, the ghosts starting their hauntings and that means there will be a 'happening' any time. Starting with Sam vanishing, I think.
DarylDixon'sLover chapter 162 . 8/20/2018
Please let Sam and Bucky be ok. Why aren't Wanda and Pietro here?
Qweb chapter 161 . 8/9/2018
Those sneaky ghosts. They didn't even want to meet be on. And now they're helping Christine write a novel. Funny how things work out.
If I was Christine, I wouldn't accept food gifts from strangers.
I can see why Aaron would want to become a hunter, but a doctor would be a big help to hunters. Who does Aaron want to kill? What happened at the end? I e no clue.
Red hair is a good choice for a girl named Poppy. Nice to see her soul lives on.
karina001 chapter 161 . 8/9/2018
Well Aaron's certainly... erm... lets just say 'upset'. Who did what? Dying of curiosity here... The Winchester brothers? That hotel is going to have one hell of a reputation in no time flat with those four resident... And nice to meet Poppy. I see Amara's mother is still a bit on the overboard side.
Qweb chapter 160 . 8/3/2018
I think Amara deserved to win because she showed incredible range.
Zoe, Grace and Alice together. What an awesome trio.
Glad Sean got a chance to kiss Justin goodbye and glad that Rey reunited with Justin. They’ve been apart too long.
karina001 chapter 160 . 8/2/2018
If Aaron does not have a 'complex' after all those possessions it will be the biggest wonder in the world. Well the show is over. Hopefully Gus and Amara can make a go of the fledgling relationship.
Qweb chapter 159 . 7/25/2018
Whew, that's a secret! Even in these times, protecting that wealth is a motive for murder.
The exorcism was scary and dramatic. I could picture the action.
Great contrast with the earlier wedding talk and the guys' competitions.
karina001 chapter 159 . 7/24/2018
Can't say I am sorry to see the end of Dalton. And Dorothy... Well. And Eva has finally remembered. So will that be enough for her to pass on, or will there be more? Just what is Sam Wilson up to? Nice way to meet Hawkeye [snicker]
Qweb chapter 158 . 7/14/2018
Traffic in West Covina can be bad but Hollywood is the worst.
Salt and burn the biggest news. No more than Dalton deserves.
I enjoyed the meeting with Rio and Sam and Steve and The gals. There are already so many connections.
I hope Steve has some fun while the girls gossip. Don't know why they couldn't have told him the good news first.
karina001 chapter 158 . 7/12/2018
Mmmm, a lot happening in this chapter but ... Justin... Really? Age? Age is a problem? Just have a little peek over your shoulder, sunshine, and remember your grandad and new grandma [snicker], then comment on age being a problem. Now just what is Sam up to? And will Steve be able to stay out of it or will curiosity get the best of him?
karina001 chapter 157 . 7/7/2018
Sam's cruising into trouble, me thinks. And that is one season of the show that no one will forget, least of all who the producers next employ to be hosts! Stars are looking good.
Qweb chapter 156 . 7/1/2018
Wild action. Confusing for the two who can't see the ghosts. I hope Xiaoli and Wanda get a chance to talk.
Justin could win that competition but it probably would not be safe for him to be famous.
Wonder what Sam is up to. Can't wait to find out.
karina001 chapter 156 . 6/30/2018
Busy busy chapter. Lots happening and not much in the explanation department for the players. So what is Sam up to, hmmm? Interesting. At least Sean has backed off from Justin continuing the show. He might have the talent but you have to have the drive and the will to step into that very public lifestyle. And the Winter Soldier... No, not going to happen. So now, where are you taking up?
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