Reviews for Light Gardening
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 10/16/2018
Love the introspective look into Saitama’s life!
3DPhantom chapter 1 . 9/21/2017
Very nice story. Would have been slightly more canon-like if Saitama had used his fingernails or teeth to harm himself, since technically blades would just shatter upon contact with his skin, but I understand why you didn't have it that way.

Yeah, I hate doctor visits too. It's a trap, I tell ya! This one time I had a surgery coming up, and of course I was stressed, and I made the mistake of cutting less than a month away from the surgery. I hadn't even been cutting regularly at that point, I was actually starting to break the habit, but the upcoming surgery and a billion other things had me freaked so I cut two weeks before the surgery. It was only about five minutes after I'd cut before I realized "holly crap I can't hide this!" The surgery was else-where on my being, the cuts on my upper arms, but they put little electro-pads up and down my arms so of course they saw the cuts. Not even five minutes after cutting I was wishing I could take it back, but of course, you can't take something like that back, you know? And I couldn't use make-up to cover it, which I did consider, because you have to be totally clean for surgeries or else you risk infections and contamination and all that jazz. And doctors are nosy, nosy beings. If I wasn't so good with words they would have probably insisted I seek help, but as it was I talked my way out of it. Told them some half-assed but convincing bull-shit that half-way convinced them, and that was enough. I still avoid doctors like the plague: Oh, the irony! Haha.

Anyway, good story bro.
TheSignOfDeath chapter 1 . 9/9/2017
I really liked how you wrote the fanfiction.
Though the theme was rather sad
Guest chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
I literally only cared about the cactus... funny, isn't it...
Piggypig213 chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
*dies* can I have a Genos? Cause I need one rn and this is so nice I CANT! Idk if I'm ready for a Genos though. I don't know that I can stop cutting and throw away my blades right now... But in the future I hope I can be ready. Or as ready as you can be for that. And I was smiling when Genos discovered the blade, I was like "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME STOP!" But then I realized it was less of a 'I'm happy so I'll smile' smile and more of a 'I'm glad, now he'll be saved' smile. Idk it's hard to explain
bartlettpear chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
This is a beautiful fic, I really like it. I love your characterization of Saitama, his cactus, the grocery girl, the doctor, and Genos. Thank you for sharing your own story. I'm glad you made the fic longer than you originally intended, each section made me want to see more of Saitama and his cactus and, to know more, how he is doing, how he is coping and if he gets better. I like feeling of following in the resiliency of Saitama's cactus like how it flourishes when he tries and even when he can't and how people are worried even thought they don't know how to help, how he uses the razors a little less each time and he feels that counts and when Genos is introduced to his life and things feel a little better and Genos doesn't question him doing his own thing, confronts him gently and is still there. Thank you for writing this story.
gab chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
Oh man, oh oh. I dont know what I was expecting like i knew it was gonna be sad but i didnt expect it to be ready-to-cry-in-the-middle-of-class sad. Im sorry you had to go through something similar but im glad you're better for ()
theawesomejodi14 chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
I could tell when reading this that there was a story behind it. I'm so glad that you've recovered. I really hope that writing this helped you in some way, I tend to find that writing down feelings, as a fanfiction or not, can really help :D
The ending scene really made an impact, to me it symbolizes Genos accepting Saitama and then ridding him of his burden so he can start afresh and move on in life. That was done beautifully after we've seen Saitama's struggle.

This was an outstanding fanfiction, an absolute work of art
NataNegra chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
Your fic is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you a lot!