Reviews for Jedi Mind Tricks
Anne Carter chapter 1 . 9/13/2017
Love it! Dean goes into big brother mode with an unstable twist. And yeah, he's got a point. Wookies could be related to the Wyatt Family.
kyanaM chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
Lolll i dont know starwars at all but i adore this fic it was real funny
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
The teens are awful! Poor Seth! But I love how protective Dean was, so many feels
lunaticprincess7085 chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
Lol love the Wookie n Wyatts reference
lremmy chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
I haven't seen the new Star Wars yet. I loved this story. I loved how Roman and Dean were very protective of Seth, it was really sweet. I can actually see Dean asking all kinds of questions about the movie. This fic was absolutely awesome.
captainbartholomew chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
First off, if you are reading this fanfiction community, captain is a bad friend because the real world is a mean and nasty place not letting her fall down the fanfiction rabbit hole. And awe, I'm a cornocopia of wrestling knowledge... :) You know I did try to warn you, that's why when I say don't google something you listen to the captain...

But anyways I'm here, finally to review this fic!

Also I'd like the internet to take note that caylendar saw Star Wars two times before she saw it with me. But the fact she still went and saw it with me was really sweet. And then used some of the dialogue of mine as Dean's really concerns me... that comment about the guy being Obi Wan Kobi in the beginning was what I said.

Anyways, caylendar I love this fic! The brotherly feels in it and as you know I love me some brotherly hurt/comfort.

Dean making sure Sethie is okay and then Dean Pie laying the verbal smackdown on those teenagers makes me happy. I would have probably still beat up those kids... Dean you should go back! No one hurts Sethie unless caylendar and captain say it's okay!

And then his comment about the Wyatts actually being Ewoks. FYI Ewoks are way cutier than Wyatts any day of the week. But does that mean Princess Leia is actually Sister Abigail because Ewoks are obsessed with her? Okay, now maybe I'm overthinking this...

Overall, this was great and I appreciated it very much! I hope Seth was a giant nerd and somehow he did go see Star Wars. Knowing the little shumck he and Dean probably somehow managed to like get it sent to his home to a have brotherly movie night. Oh Sethie... you little sneak you...

Anyways, great story with LOTS of brotherly feels which I truly appreciate! Awesome job as always caylendar! And sorry for my delay on this review now you finally have it!

And you have to explain this thing about Sith's and Jedi to me because I am now really confused...
BlissfulRiot chapter 1 . 1/31/2016
Mad props to dean for knowing that there can only be two Siths at a time and how the Jedi mind tricks work. Teens like this make me so angry. Five points for Dean for sticking up for Sethie boy! No one messes with the baby!
Squeegee Beckinhime chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
I really really enjoyed this! You write brilliantly. I look forward to seeing more work from you in the future :-)
Pinayprincesa chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
Dean is such a good brother to be looking out for Seth! :-)
nolabell66 chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
I have to admit I have never seen any of the start wars. I would be much like Dean.

kids today no respect. Sure changed their tune their tune once Dean was done. I live how Dean called Seth his family. Oh how it makes me miss the Shield.

Wyatt/wookies, I can see it

Very cute
BigSister2 chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
This was absolutely perfect. I can see this whole scenario totally happening. I liked the mix of Star Wars and wrestling references. I really liked the brotherly love between the Shield characters that you portrayed. So adorable. Thanks for the awesome story!
jjramsey chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
lmfao that was great i so could see dean doing that to some punk kids
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
Awesome little story. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I might eventually if my boyfriend wants to go because he loves Star Wars. Yeah, I remember Big Van Vader very well. I actually thought he was cool. As for the story, I loved every bit of it from Kevin's dog sweater to Dean chewing out those teens which is what I would have done, too. Actually, I probably would have done more than that. Nicely done on this. I loved it.

The Bubbly One,