Reviews for The Road to Hell
waterlit chapter 1 . 10/12/2016
This was an interesting snapshot of that terrible, tragic massacre. I found the moment between Fou and Bak especially touching. The last part, where Bak assigns Kanda to Tiedoll, perhaps as a gesture of pity and atonement for the dead? - was also rather heartbreaking. And that bit about Bak stepping on a finger, gosh.
orphan11111 chapter 1 . 4/9/2016
Poor Bak. To lose both this parents and many friends, the kind that probably half-raised him, and then to have to lock away all of his shock and grief because he's the one that has to clean up the aftermath.

Why would Bak know what the worst-case scenarios for this project were? Since he has no idea who Yuu was when Yuu attempted to escape, it seems like he wasn't actually involved in the Second Exorcist Project. I mean, yes, obviously what happened is a worst case scenario, but Bak' assumption that none of the people on the project had even considered this could happen, I think it's fact that the members of lab 6 asked Fo not to intervene no matter what makes me think they had a feeling something like this might happen.

Hmm. I never thought about it much, but that must have been a pretty terrifying experience for Marie. To not really know what's going on and to have no way to fight back or defend himself while being surrounded by the sounds of fighting and the overwhelming scent of blood.

That would be a very difficult situation for Bak. How to comfort a child who's been through hell, when you don't even know his and and you're one of the people responsible fore creating that hell. Poor Kanda. All he has left now is Mugen, the thing he went through so much to obtain. No wonder he is loath to let it go. Even completely ignoring the fact that it is all he has to defend himself with. rhaaaaghh. Somebody give Yuu a hug for crying out loud. Can no one tell that he really needs someone to hold him and comfort him. No wonder he becomes so self-contained. argh. Yuu Kanda. *flop*
FrenchMacaroni chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Wow ! Stories about Kanda's past are so rare, it's so nice to read one ! And you added Marie ! Seriously, good job for the plot :)
InsanityOwl chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
Oh my god... *cries* Do you see these tears? This is what you do to me all the time with stories like this. Good job anyway.
dlt-acct-pls chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
OMG Ma feels are TOO MUCH right now! guuuuuuhhh... (TT TT)
karina001 chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
It never is 'how it was supposed to be'... but one learns to deal with consequences. Kanda has had to learn to deal with a great many of those... and so does Bak. Nice. Thank you.
scribbles from ko chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
;;v;; This reminded me of a tumblr post I saw earlier, about Bak and Fou, where Fou talks about Bak, how he's going leave her behind like Twi and Edgar, and Bak talks about Fou how he's thankful that she's there for the future generations ;;w;;
Uwahhh this is so touching ;;w;; Thank you for this story~