Reviews for Kagome your a new host!
MuKachi chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
Excuse me but...why is the first chapter just like The Honourable Type? If you copied it I'm very disappointed to say the least...
This is just my opinion but the plot was ok. One thing that stood out was the grammatical errors and that's one thing I dislike when reading fanfiction...or anything really. Normally I overlook it, but I just couldn't with this one. I like reading stories where the author actually puts effort into it. The first chapter left a bad impression on me because I ,and other readers, automatically assumed that you copied it.
wolfYLady-sama chapter 1 . 7/8/2017
you stole this chapter! how dare you! work for word you stole this!
justaislinn chapter 9 . 5/16/2017
I can only assume that you're not a native English speaker, are a young child, or that you never check your writing. Or some combination of the three, but definitely including the last one.
Almost every sentence has a spelling error, grammar error, or completely missing words necessary for the sentence to make any sense. Most sentences has more than one of these.
I don't understand how you just uploaded this as it is. Do you not read your own work? It would be so easy to spot mistakes like misspelling the character's names, or using the wrong name for someone as you do often.
It's just... listen, I tried. I made it through 9 whole chapters bc I was curious and it was labeled as complete so I was hopeful.
But the writing is just SO. BAD.
I know it's been a long time since this was uploaded so maybe you've improved since then, hopefully you have, and I don't want to sound mean but you really need to work on it.
I'm really disappointed. This could have been good.
Write on:)
Ginger Flowerz chapter 14 . 6/22/2016
The end was a little rushed but other than that it was really cool...
Undertheskys chapter 14 . 2/15/2016
Story was Mehh, okay i guess
Undertheskys chapter 13 . 2/15/2016
Cool their together now
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 14 . 2/14/2016
thank you it was a incredible story and I look forward to reading more of your work :3
Undertheskys chapter 4 . 2/14/2016
Dont know if you doing on purpose or not but Haruhi's name it spelt different as i read. One paragraph it'll be Haruhi then the next is Haruri, then back to Haruhi. Like are you even checking it?
Undertheskys chapter 1 . 2/14/2016
I still like the story but it has the similarity to The Honorable Type
Undertheskys chapter 1 . 2/14/2016
This story's beginning is the same as The Honorable Type by ValueMyHeart. I hope you didnt copy her story... because I just read hers and it has a really really similar beginning and hers was written first...
KaeterinaRomanov chapter 13 . 2/9/2016
I LOVE this story so far! I cannot wait to see what happens next! Looking forward to the next chapter!
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 12 . 2/8/2016
more please it was great I loved that the kids left haru and kyo alone :3 and I look forward to reading the rest of this incredible story :3
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 9 . 2/7/2016
more please it was awesome I laughed a lot I loved how you did the first scene with shippo it was funny and I look forward to reading the rest of this incredible story :3
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 7 . 2/5/2016
more please it was awesome I was sad to hear kagome got raped but other then that I loved this chapter I look forward to reading the rest of this incredible story :3
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 6 . 2/4/2016
it was incredible I cant wait to read the rest of this incredible story also will kagome need her medicine? and please tell me that idiot tamaki is not kagomes future mate ritsu kasanoda or umehito nekozawa would be a better choice for her tamaki is too naïve and loud oh I also have a great idea for kirimi instead of her hugging tamaki she could run in the club room and call kagome big sister then the host freak out :3
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