Reviews for More than Magical
Guest chapter 2 . 3/19/2016
good story mate!
The Rose in Death's Garden chapter 1 . 2/24/2016
This is hilarious! You know something's really wrong when JAMES is trying to be the voice of reason and convince Sirius that he's doing something crazy!

Poor Crystal doesn't seem to have any idea what's going on and here's Sirius randomly showing up and telling her he's a wizard and doing magic. No wonder she ran away!
sunrise36 chapter 2 . 2/12/2016
Yay Sirius/Crystal are such a cute Magical/Muggle coue. This is a much more thoughtful and amusing take on wizard-muggle dating than your typical "Sirius Black dates an OC muggle girl" fic. I like what a large ham, over the top romantic, and rebel Sirius is (even willing to break all the rules and get detention for the girl of his dreams) and I like that Crystal is sassy and quick on the uptake even as Sirius's magical world surprises her. The detail about special owls to deliver Muggle mail at night was a nice touch.

I wonder how challenging their relationship will become if it continued. I would love for you to expand this to show how they would overcome some of the difficulties of Sirius not being able to do magic around her or Crystal not being legally allowed to share in his world.
Toaofwriting chapter 2 . 2/8/2016
Very nice so far.
Sable Supernova chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
I love this! Thank you so much!

I really like how you've changed the dynamics, what with Sirius being the one chasing after a girl. I hope she's not too scared off by his appearance!

I love your characterisation of Sirius. His recklessness and lack of foresight rings completely true with what we know of him from canon, and it adds a wonderful dimension of humour here.

I really loved the lively, upbeat pace of this story. It matches the Marauders very well and the absurdity of what Sirius is trying to do really comes across without seeming unrealistic.

I can't wait for the next instalment!
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
Ooh, Sirius has a muggle girlfriend!

That N.E. in the first line was probably supposed to say NEWTs, but you'll either have to space it out or take out the periods because something in the FFN filters knock things like that out for some reason.

[pouring over an essay] - unless he's dumping something onto the essay, he should be "poring" over it.

Oh geez, he only talked to her once and decided she could be his soulmate or something? Ah, well. Being dramatic and obsessive does run in his family...

Why did he go straight to Dumbledore instead of asking Lily how muggle mail works? It seems really out of character for him to go to the headmaster about a problem which could be solved by talking to one of his friends, especially since you said he's seventeen here so Lily and James would already be dating at this point...

Is this supposed to be crack humor? Is him being so out of his mind for this girl that he's completely out of character supposed to be the point?

Okay, after getting to the end of the chapter, there is no way I can take this seriously and I'm assuming it was intended to be crack humor. In that light, this fic is pretty funny and the characterization issues can be ignored (but I'll leave the previous parts of my review as they are). The part that I found funniest was when Rosmerta was commenting on how thirsty Lupin was when he kept buying more drinks.