Reviews for Out of the Woods
Guest chapter 58 . 1/11
Author, this story is simply AMAZING. Thank you so much for your effort. Update if you can when you can, I'll be looking forward to it.
Melissa the kawaii yandere chapter 58 . 11/6/2019
update please
rooftopdevil chapter 8 . 6/22/2019
what's wrong with green hair? I wanted to dye my hair green and purple before I knew I was allergic to hair dye
Starry-Lightning chapter 58 . 5/30/2019
Why did you stop writing this? It was great and I want to know what next. I need to have closure - even if the ending is bad. Maybe I'll take a look at your profile and see if miraculously, you put up a sequel?
LunaLovegoodXAliceCullen chapter 58 . 6/14/2018
Plucie chapter 58 . 4/2/2018
Damn, that can't be good... It seems it's not going great for them. If I can make that much of an understatement :P

Thanks for updating!
Bobby Maler's khakis chapter 58 . 3/31/2018
Yay. This is a slow build that I actually have enjoyed reading. Nice chapter.
Corey B. Carter chapter 1 . 3/10/2018
Amazing story. The slow build-up was worth it- I hope you continue someday xx
Casi-88 chapter 57 . 1/25/2018

I just read all 57 chapters practically in one piece (maybe I made some short breaks ;)). Long I have searched for good next-gen fictions (preferably in-canon), and this one is really nice. The idea of the Pureblood Knights may be nothing especially new, but this particular conflict is of course always relevant.
Your writing style is just awesome; I wish I could match your abilities in characterization (that's the part I'm struggling with in my own Albus Potter fanfiction - Albus Potter and the Gift of the Goblin). The way you describe Albus' and Scorpius' complicated feelings is really fascinating.
The adults (Harry, Draco) are acting just like I always imagined they would, even though Draco being a surgeon admittedly exceeds my expectations ;)
The story is still in full swing; in fact, the tension is kind of culminating. I can't wait to see how it continues!
gandalf537 chapter 57 . 11/18/2017
Lmao the “next time” though. Great chapter!
Plucie chapter 57 . 11/18/2017
Awww damn, poor Albus and Scorpius, do they ever catch a break? Everyone has got to be so worried, their parents are going to freak... Anyway, thank you so much for updating! I'm really enjoying this fic :)
mcdepresso chapter 57 . 11/18/2017
hahaha I want all of the pureblood knights dead. "everything just kind of gets worse?" stop hurting my babies!
mcdepresso chapter 56 . 11/11/2017
"not everything goes to plan" if those pureblood knights show up and even THINK about hurting Albus or Scorpius, I will kill them myself.
gandalf537 chapter 55 . 11/8/2017
Great chapter! I loved it! The letter was perfect.
onlyme-liz chapter 54 . 11/3/2017
I'm glad James is growing up! and that they're all happy. I'm excited for the interlude
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