Reviews for Worlds Apart
BrownieTheFangirl chapter 2 . 5/9/2016
Can I just say...
I loved it!
The characterization was on point, and the story was great too!
pennilee chapter 2 . 3/20/2016
Here's my two cents- it's just a bit odd seeing Germany blatantly asking America, “Don't you care about us anymore? Don't you want to help us?” Because the problems the current EU face can be and should be managed by the European nations' help without major American interference (not that America has any money right now for Europe anyway) as in the aftermath of the second World War, when Europe's economy was in absolute shambles and required the Marshall Plan to revive them. Having someone from the EU (particularly Germany) go to America for help is also (realistically speaking) very debasing and they probably wouldn't do so except in extreme circumstances. I feel like this is written with a pro-American bias :p
thatmeddlingkid chapter 2 . 2/16/2016
This is a very insightful view of things.
XiangXu chapter 2 . 2/12/2016
Germany was a good choice. America's attention in Europe seems to be with the more 'overlooked' nations. It doesn't get much attention, but since the early 2000s America has been getting closer with Estonia and building on relations with old friends like Lithuania.

Anyway, the US' attention really has been either, Western Hemisphere or Asia. I think we just feel that Western Europe has the ability to step up to the plate and that they should. Northern Europe manages alright, Eastern Europe could use some help but has spirit... Poland always calling out Russia.
The-Autumn-Goddess chapter 2 . 2/11/2016
Bravo! That was really well written and well thought out!