Reviews for In the Rough
BatmanForPresident chapter 7 . 9/13/2018
Just finished rereading this and i hope you continue! I love it!
curlystruggle chapter 1 . 4/1/2018
Hmmm. I’m intrigued.
passerines chapter 6 . 10/11/2017
This is such a good story and I really appreciate the warning of slow updates because otherwise I'd drive myself crazy waiting for something. There's so much I can't wait to read about but I think whatever blow out is bound to happen between Tsunade and Naho is at the top of the list. Can't wait for your next update!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/22/2017
This fic deserves more reviews. It's not easy to find a decent kakashi fic and I can't wait for the next chapter
Upina chapter 6 . 9/22/2017
Oh my god i love it!
Sometimes I Kind of lose the timeline and I am confused about past presend and so on..
But that could be because english is just a second language to me..
And the rest of your Story is written so well it is amazing ! And I love Kakashi and her together so good!
UmbreonGurl chapter 6 . 9/18/2017
This is really good! Super glad I found it!
Illulian chapter 5 . 2/26/2017
The story, plot and characterization are fantastic! The formatting for the timeline switching/flashbacks however are frustrating to read. The constant switching and then having to stop to figure out when, where & who we switched too break the flow of reading, and thus believability of the story.

I like the italics, but it's not used consistently or clearly enough to discern what's a flashback, what's a timejump and what's current. It's a great idea what you're attempting to do just not quite there wein how it's implemented.
SultanaV chapter 5 . 1/7/2017
This is so dark and so emotional, I love it! Update soon!
amgs chapter 4 . 12/17/2016
Okay I need more. This is so freaking amazing! It's been only four chapters and this is in my top ten favorite fanfics. I feel like I know a lot about Naho, but there's still so much more left. I really like your writing style and the characterization. I don't care if you take another five or ten years to update, I will most definitely read the next chapter whenever it comes out. Just so you know.
SkippingThrough chapter 4 . 7/12/2016
The OC you've created is captivating and intrigues me. Your use of flashbacks is the proverbial cherry on top and just draws me further into the fic.
ivegotpurple chapter 3 . 5/16/2016
I'm intrigued by this story, although I don't know what to think of it yet. It's definitely caught my curiosity. You've got a lot going on in these three chapters that have left me with a lot of questions. I'm excited to see how things develop!
Eklipt chapter 3 . 5/1/2016
It's only been a gazillion years since I've been on fanfiction. Nice way to reboot my love for fanfiction by reading one of your creations! Can't wait to see an update soon. I'm loving Nahoko and excited to see some kind of development with Kakashi.
Wha chapter 3 . 4/19/2016
I'm so confused. I was liking the story about the OCs childhood, and then it suddenly jumps ten years into the future? Its very confusing and odd. You basically negate all the characterization and development...
BerserkMoon chapter 1 . 2/19/2016

Naho is interesting and mysterious and I would love to see how she'll fit in the canonverse and interact with the canon cast. I would love to find out the situations she will change and the outcomes of it.

I'm anticipating the next ch :)
Hidan's Lover chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
I love this OC! You should continue the story because it seems really interesting!
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