Reviews for Black Eyes
XYZArtemis chapter 2 . 9/21/2017
Wow, nice job! Leo always protects his brothers :)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/18/2016
This is amazing! The way you wrote the astral plane was different than anything I've read before and it was great! I loved it soooooo much!
CelandineGranger chapter 2 . 12/13/2016
I read the first part on DA and then I saw someone mention that it was posted here so I went straightaway to find it! Lovely ending! Recovery is hard, especially emotional recovery. Good thing Leo has such a patient, caring family to help him through it. :)
Shelly Hamato chapter 2 . 9/23/2016
Wow! So cool!
5Mississippis chapter 2 . 8/24/2016
HOLY SHIT ON TOAST! OH MY GOD! THAT WAS INTENSE! AMAZINGLY WRITTEN! Your conception of the spirit was simply amazing - loved how it was arrogant, superior, taunting - so much so that I was biting my nails down to chips to see who would win! Loved Leo finding the strength deep within himself and pulling away and fighting the spirit! Amazingly done! And very Leo too! The fight was heart stopping! Brilliantly written! Loved Leo's reflections during the battle about wanting to save/fight for his family and about how recovery (if he made it) would be brutal! And Leo's recovery - equally heartbreaking - especially the awful, self critical voices of how he is pathetic, weak, idiot, loser. SOB! But thankfully he had his family there to guide him and help him with this false burden! Another remarkable story, beautifully written, powerfully done!
Rose Black Dragon chapter 2 . 6/1/2016
For Christ's sake... Leo's body took the brunt of the incident, But I know he doesn't care about that, because it was for his family. He would give his life for them, some wounds are nothing to him.
It is ironic that everybody, family, friends and fans think that he is perfect but him doesn't. Always blaming himself for everything he can't control, I love him for that! And I love the way you portray him!
Speaking his thoughts aloud? Oh no... But it is a great change after all, Leo hates to speak about him and his thoughts and sometimes nobody knows what he is really thinking or feeling, all because he doesn't want them to worry about him.
At the beginning I didn't like that, but it was great that there was no doubt at all about what Leo was thinking.
That was one of the most tender endings I have ever read.
Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us! If sometime you manage to learn how to bottle your talent, please let me know a.s.a.p. I will buy all the bottles I can! XD
Rose Black Dragon chapter 1 . 6/1/2016
Okay, first things first. :D
From the beginning.
That's one of the reasons why my beloved Leonardo has the reputation for being boring, he loves to meditate, but I am sure as hell he looks absolutely hot when he is doing it. At least that's what I think. XD
I agree, if someone or something can take Leonardo by surprise then it is something dangerous.
Maybe I'm nuts, but somehow I began to like that enemy, maybe he is an evil assassin but he really can recognize talent when sees it. XD
I loved Leo's modesty.
I changed my mind, that "thing" is so obnoxious.
And Rose has learned a new word: "brethren" Thanks! :D
You know... I have always thought that the Astral Plane was a place that only the pure ones could visit. Guess I was wrong.
Thanks goodness Donatello could defend himself. That was a cowardly attack!
Oh God... Was Splinter going to do it? I began to worry when I read that Splinter would hurt Leo to save him...
Not Mikey! Somehow I know that he is Leo's favorite, the brother he pampers the most.
WOW, the whole scene when Leo goes through those phases of panic, rage and calm, was a masterpiece. And when he finally materializes after achieving the astral proyection, I was speechless. You are VERY talented.
I was also perplex when Leo's sword collided with the blade the stolen body was using.
The fight was outstanding! A great battle!
I didn't know what to feel, sometimes I was so excited when Leo was able to hit the enemy, but at the same time I was so worried thinking it was HIS body the one that was getting hurt...
The way you describe Leo's feelings, thoughts and even his movements, is so great, almost poetic. I love it! That's why I think you are one of the greatest writers here in the site. :D
pownxmanonnie chapter 2 . 5/23/2016
I just love your stories -
Koriat Cyredanthem chapter 2 . 5/9/2016
Oooo, that was quite interesting!
Natalie Ryan chapter 2 . 3/25/2016
I'm absolutely in love with this story and Leo is my favorite character (Leo 2003), and that version will be forever my favorite. It's just so beautifully made that I don't know what else to say. I hate to see him this defeated, but in order to learn something new, you have to travel the path less traveled on and to get to the end point with a lesson learned.
I was so happy to see Raph helping Leo and the end scene was just too cute :)
Never stop writing, you are doing it great
WhoAmI659 chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
Another wonderful fic by you. Intense and entertaining. I just love how you portray Leo and his strengths and some of his weaknesses. :)
yukio87 chapter 2 . 2/14/2016
I love how this ended. Leo awoke to a brutal recovery while he was struggling with what happened to him. And that panic attack...he needs time to heal from that attack in the Astral Plain and Splinter needs to teach him how to protect himself in case he is attacked again...Wonderful story...
Guest chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Wow. That was intense and wonderfully written. I'd LOVE an epilogue!
yukio87 chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Please you need to keep writing this because I really wanna know what happened to my dear Leo...he is wounded and badly hurt...Interesting story, though. I like how this went from the beginning...please try to update soon. I'll be expecting for more anxiously...Have a good day/night. Good luck and take care