Reviews for Road Trippin', or How A New Life Begins And Flows
clacepercabeth4ever chapter 90 . 7/27
This story is SO GOOD! I really liked all of the different plot twists, and the way you wrote each different character. I've read some of your other Clace works, and your writing is just amazing!
(Also, I actually finished this a couple of days ago, but I'm only now writing a review, and I don't really know why, but whatever, lol.)
Spring-girl13 chapter 59 . 7/15
It’s me or jace has a small dick
Spring-girl13 chapter 24 . 7/15
Uhhh clary sometimes is so lame, STAND FOR YOURSELF WOMAN don’t be so DRAMATIC
Spring-girl13 chapter 24 . 7/15
This flashback was so real and this happens in real life, it has to stop
Spring-girl13 chapter 3 . 7/14
His DAD!
eclecticfandomer chapter 64 . 5/28
Honestly... Shes fucking right. Shes fucking right. Workaholics in a workaholic relationship shouldent, in my opinion, get married. Believe me, im all for marriage and love and other gooey fun amazing shit like that... But I say this as someone who knows that they are and will be a workaholic (I want to be a trauma surgeon and... Horridly enough... In the US were not done with med school until 26 (4 years undergrad 18-22 and 4 years med school 22-26) and then 5 fucking years of residency and internship (now were at 31)). So yah... Workaholics just shouldent have a spouse or kids if they cannot dedicate the time or effort. Love doesnt conquer all. I wish it did but it doesnt. Until BOTH parties can sort their shit out and make time AND effort... Someone is always going to feel rejected and neglected. In this case... Its Clary.

shipmaster98 chapter 92 . 5/19
Ohhhh the last chapter is so great! Why jace so perfect haha
I am the someone who see my many siblings being given birth too
shipmaster98 chapter 47 . 5/18
Oh geez but your father is a MAN , right?what's so called independenceDon't be ridiculous
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
This is incredible!
Guest chapter 92 . 9/26/2019
Great story, great fun.
Guest chapter 66 . 9/26/2019
Okay I feel bad for Jace because he got overwhelmed. You did hinted several times that he was a a workaholic and I’m realising that if aline had been a boy we wouldn’t have reacted the same way
Guest chapter 65 . 9/26/2019
Okay so I may have been wrong about alime but I’m glad jave réalisés how hardly he screwed up
Guest chapter 64 . 9/26/2019
I feel That you misled us and that Jace did not actually cheat on clary.
But in a way I’m still not left because he needs a wake-up call
Guest chapter 63 . 9/26/2019
I’m worn Jordan. I want Jordan to beat javes ass soooo bad.
Guest chapter 62 . 9/26/2019
This is why I love your stories. People owe and have their periods realism’s real folks.
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