Reviews for good men don't become legends
FangSnowLotus chapter 15 . 6/21/2019
I feel like this story is dead, but I can’t except it. I somehow managed to find this story again, hoping that there’d be another chapter up. The plot is intense and the character dynamics are astounding. Thank you for gracing my life with this story, and if it truly is dead beyond a doubt, then I suppose I’ll simply have to make do.
Weapon Frayer chapter 15 . 1/13/2019
Oh my God.

This is criminally underrated. Honestly speaking, this is miles better than most of the normal FSN section nowadays, and definitely among the best in the FMA section. The writing is impeccable, and while there hasn't been a whole lot of focus on the AU's mechanics, the character interactions more than make up for it.

Bravo, and here's to another year!
Trapdere chapter 1 . 8/31/2018
Shouldn't this in the crossover section...?
Guest chapter 15 . 8/29/2018
Please come back! I need to know what will happen!
Guest chapter 15 . 7/17/2018
Omgggg! This is a gem! Love all your fma stories! Cant wait for more!
Gomboc123 chapter 15 . 6/22/2018
This chapter has me so shook!? All the angst with Roy and Riza is going to kill me, but I am so here for it. The fact that Riza knows she needs to shoot him, but still can't, and also her seeing the way Roy is acting, and realizing it's how he started acting after she died in real life, ahhhhhh. one more thing I really love is the whole dynamic between Ling and May, and how he just. adopted her as a little sister. I cant wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 15 . 6/16/2018
Wow, what a way to end the chapter. It's a pleasure to read your stories.
Toph2411 chapter 14 . 6/5/2018
This is amazing! Cant wait for more Archer Riza! Great work
MyVerity chapter 14 . 5/22/2018
I adore many of your Royai works, but this one has got to be one of my favorites. I started reading this about a year ago and since then I have been dying for a new update! I just recently decided to reread this and I am enjoying the story just as much as I did when I first started.

By the way, this fic got me to finally watch Fate/Zero and it is now one of my top favorite anime’s. Truly a must watch. Thank you for getting me to sit down and bear through the first episode.
Gomboc123 chapter 14 . 5/17/2018
Aaahhhhh I loved the fight between Ling and Bradley, and how May ended up saving the day and healing him. You write action and fight scenes so well and I can always picture them in my head. Also I am so incredibly happy that Al is back with Ed, Winry, and Riza. I'm glad Riza got through to Alex, though I'm worried about what Olivier has in store for the future after she learns of what he did. And speaking of servants going behind their masters' backs, I'm still losing my shit over Roy! I don't know if or how he would break free of Father's control and it's killing me. He's going to have to do terrible things and I can only hope he gets out of it alright both physically and mentally... I can't wait for the next update!
Kayo chapter 13 . 5/12/2018
This fic is truly amazing! Love the plot and royai in this AU! Thank for sharing this! Your writing skill is amazing! Xx
ssadropout chapter 11 . 3/19/2017
I was really happy to see another chapter. The fight sequences were great. You may dislike writing action, but you do it well. Loved the scene where Roy had to be pulled back from his rage. I'm glad that you could include it in your story. It's such an emotional scene for Roy fans.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I wish you the best. As far as US politics... well, good luck with that.
vana9 chapter 6 . 1/1/2017
Your are BRILLIANT at writing epic fight scenes! I love your imagery; it was all very vividly portrayed! Berserker was a real creep and same with Assassin - I'm definitely in suspense/fear about his next steps now that he knows Caster's "weakness." Nice drama in having Riza confront Roy about not becoming overcome with violent rage though I am a bit peeved Berserker got away. I am soooo happy Ed and Winry are teaming up now! Can't wait to read some EdWin moments in the future! Thank you for your beautiful writing!
vana9 chapter 5 . 1/1/2017
Oooh the plot is really thickening here. My heart is going out to Roy who's still in a "dark spell"/"wounded" after the encounter. It's sweet that he's still protecting Ed and Al invisibly though. I liked the line where Ed observes that while Caster is "likely the most powerful Servant in this Holy-Grail War, his weakness was also invoked." Nice how Roy can still be a bada** in your story as a Servant and yet not be too overpowered by having his own weaknesses and demons to confront. The way you've set up all the characters' situations is really compelling and has great potential for future development! Looking forward to reading more!
vana9 chapter 4 . 1/1/2017
LOVED this chapter! Superb job with the action scene; it was so intense. Cool how Ling also has the Ultimate Shield and shows a hint of a Greed-like persona when fighting! And thank you, my wish for them to be more like siblings is coming true (sooo cute the parts with Lancer smirking at May "like a big brother would to a little sister", him scooping her up like a kitten, and May thinking he'll "eat an entire buffet line after the duel" lol!)! Awesome job with the dialogue and keeping both of them in character! And again really nice job ending the chapter on another compelling paragraph. The line "But she can't be scared of someone that ruffles her hair and eats enough food to feed a family of four and wears silly clothes, could she," was brilliant! Thank you again for your beautiful writing! Looking forward to reading more!
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