Reviews for RWBYond Vale
Guest chapter 41 . 11/13/2019
I gotta remember every time I read a chapter that this is not Canon because ruby can't be the spring maiden because raven is the spring maiden
Guest chapter 82 . 7/30/2018
I like how bad ass ruby is now but doesn't that eliminate whatever use her team and comrades were to her?
Guest chapter 81 . 7/30/2018
SSSN is officially now my third favorite team
Guest chapter 81 . 7/30/2018
Solo scarlet is gay didn't see that coming
DHenrik chapter 4 . 7/11/2018
Hey It's goin' pretty well if ya ask me and are you Hungarian? Cause I'm Hungarian
Guest chapter 120 . 1/14/2018
How to know a fanfic is shit? It makes the most horrific and cruel villain into a fluffy person!
Guest chapter 131 . 1/13/2018
This is better than the show, however, that is a very low bar and should not be taken as a compliment. There were some things I liked about this but there were a lot that I didn't and I think I would rather focus on those in this review.
1 - Too Many Characters, Few of which matter or are interesting. The members of team ARRN are mostly just plot devices to keep the story moving only August had an interesting motivation but that subplot ended up going nowhere, not that it could have gone somewhere because his role was essentially to do what Blake should have been doing, which begs the question of why not just have Blake do it and get more page space for her rather thsn waste it on this extraneous guy. I know the writer doesn't like Blake, I don't like her character much either, but rather than trying to do some damage control on her he just has her be there but pretty much useless the whole time. The rest of ARRN are even worse, Rubrum is just the tech guy, a role that could have been slapped onto a preexisting character without too much trouble, Rio is just a guy with a boat, and Natalie is only ever used to teleport in and save people from getting their ass kicked. Any villain that was introduced in the isle of storms arc was pointless because everything in that arc was pointless (I will get into that more later). Now maybe all those characters getting put in wouldn't have been so bad if we also didn't have to be informed of everyone's family tree going back four generations, not to mention having to have most of those characters be raised from the dead to participate in pointless fight scenes. Most of the problem with this is like I said, whenever something needs to be done in the story, rather than trying to streamline things by getting a preestablished character to do it, he writes in someone new and has them drive the action instead, and because most of these characters get little more than a few personality quirks and a hastily exposited backstory I don't really end up caring about them most of the time. The characters relationships with each other were usually portrayed well when they were portrayed at all, save for Blake and Sun's romance (which I blame on the general lack of attention given to Blake) and most of the stuff involving Weiss whose relationships with everyone from her dad to her sister were handled almost exclusively through throwaway lines of dialogue. All the other side character's interactions could be put into the throwaway category as well, but since I never cared about them in the first place I was less concerned with that. In short if all you wanted to do was write the Ruby, Yang, and Jaune story why did we need all these other characters?
2 - The Setting. I appreciate the effort made to explain all the stuff the show doesn't, but a convoluted explanation isn't really much better than a vague one, a lot of this stuff could have been handled in a much more simple way, the introduction of the black gates and all of the stuff that went along with them was really egregious as it was basically just a way for him to move people around wherever he wanted without having to be smarter about it, and I was especially annoyed with it because I (and I suspect most others who watched the show) only ever thought that the black gates were raven's semblence and I was perfectly satisfied with that as an explanation, again explaining things is great, overcomplicating them is not.
3 - The Plot. Where do I even start? We begin with the characters being sepparated after the fall of beacon only to be reunited really quickly and with a minimum of fuss thanks to team plot device, afterwards we have a pointless battle at haven where nothing of import is accomplished by either side, followed by the infinitely more pointless isle of storms arc, an arc so pointless that it's pointlessness bleeds into the entire rest of the story, why does it matter that the CCT was shut down if plot device Rubrum can make one out of an old ass radio tower on an abandoned fucking island, if he could do it why couldn't anyone else? Why did they need to rescue Ozpin if he was just going to do nothing the entire rest of the story, why not just kill him off? Jaune and Ruby both score their first kills in this arc, and they're played up really dramatically while they're happening, but ultimately their characters aren't really impacted much by it. After this point the whole thing really starts blurring together for me I find it hard to remember exactly what happened when and with whom. I remember the part where Ruby and Jaune got together and that I liked it, but after that they couldn't be in the same scene together without making out, I get that a lot of relationships start out in that sort of stage and that this particular criticism is very subjective on my part, but I usually like it more when the romance is saved for downtime and nobody starts sucking face in the middle of a fight (also I have never acted that way with the girls I've dated, even when we were just starting out so it's entirely likely that I just personally find high levels of PDA unseemly in general, again I recognize this as my most biased criticism). Anyway, then a bunch of stuff happens, abunch of people I don't care about fight a bunch of other people I don't care about, some of whom are already dead anyway, and eventually Salem's evil plan to bring about world peace is thwarted by the stalwart defenders of the status quo which I might remind you in this story involves a colossal super grimm waking up every few generations to kill a bunch of people, but hey at least we get a shit ton of dust out of it when we kill it. So the heroes haven't accomplished anything and neither have the villains. I read the followup story to this one where the author accidentally shows some self awareness of that by making a villain who was actually kinda right about it being stupid to look up to Ruby at the end of this story because she didn't actually beat the antagonists she just stopped them for about a century untill all this shit happens all over again. In essence this was a complete waste of time for the characters and the reader...
Still better than the show though.
Campfirefish chapter 83 . 8/5/2017
Love this chapter 83. The story is great. I'll admit I started reading it for the lancaster tag buthe I'm glad it's finally happening!
Aly Tyler chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
Just some quick spelling/grammar notes:
-Weiss risked away to Atlas
I'm pretty sure it's wisked but I may be wrong
-there only lead was that she had attended Haven academy.
It should be their not there
- a last straw I friends and family they have lost.
I have no clue what the correct word is but the I doesn't belong
-and the team continued on there way
Again, their not there
-He was tall, a little taller than Jaune, with a lithe build. His torso wrapped in linen cloth accentuating his chest muscles.
You either need to combine the sentences or correct the second sentence to "was wrapped"
-and put his elbow to his knee
I don't know if this is technically a mistake but if I were you I would change it to "and put his elbow on his knee" it just feels better
-For that how do you know we're from Beacon" Nora asked.
For that reason

I know this is a rather old fanfic of yours but I noticed these mistakes in the first chapter and just thought I'd make sure you new about them. Please don't take this as patronizing. I actually really liked this and will definitely continue to read it.
Nintendoborn chapter 125 . 6/3/2017
Why! Why kill the ultra badass Thor of remnant
Nintendoborn chapter 124 . 5/29/2017
Final stretch
Nintendoborn chapter 117 . 5/23/2017
Avarice flies
Nintendoborn chapter 115 . 5/20/2017
But what did thurston talk to penny about
Nintendoborn chapter 113 . 5/20/2017
Oh ok avarice is fighting them because he has the "bugs" in him that give salem basically control over him
Nintendoborn chapter 112 . 5/20/2017
These all sound like marvel and dc powers: quake, top, shrink
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