Reviews for Rise of the Dragon Child
West Dragon chapter 29 . 7/22
man, this story caught me off guard with how good it is, I can't wait for more chapters to be released
Guest chapter 29 . 7/19
Its been a while since the last update. Everything allright with you?
Alexander D. Traips chapter 29 . 7/18
please update this story, its masterful thus far, but I've been wanting to know what happens next since February, please get back to this story?
Guest chapter 23 . 7/16
so I can see Harry wanting a small house... But he's got friends now. He'll need a Kitchen, Dinning Hall (bc that's what they had back then), Entrance Hall, Alchemy/Enchanting Lab, Library, Armory, Pantry, Storage, Vault/Basement, Master Bedroom, Servants Quarters (His House Call and maybe a Maid/Cook), A Bathing Room (they don't actually have Bathrooms but they do have various types of baths), 2-5 guest bedroom, and maybe a Greenhouse. Bc he's a Thane... And the Dragonborn.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/16
So, with the use of magic he can double his training... The only reason training is so hard is bc of muscle cramps and tears.. With the Healing Magic mending those years he can do more.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/16
Ok so about the 'duel' souls... Couldn't they as Harry gets older kind of blend together? Like a fusion of each side accepting the other.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/16
What most people over looked in the HP books is even when Harry was at Hogwarts he never got a proper meal. He was never seen being given nutrition potions, proper medical treatment (Hello! Basilisk Bite anyone!), mental therapy for killing someone (Tom plus his dairy), the food was always fatty (which tends to make underweight people extremely sick), Ron always stealing his food, and always being interrupted in the middle of meals.

So just the fact that he's eating 3xs a day everyday will help tremendously. Not to mention he's snacking as well. Also him casting Healing Spells on himself should subconsciously fix injuries he doesn't even know about.. You gone fractures, organ damage, scars, burns, stunted growth, ect.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/16
so when he comes across Necromancers with back stones... I know he doesn't want to use them but leaving them their is just as bad... Maybe he can some how cleanse them, freeing the trapped spirit to move on? Though he also has to take into account that some of those stones might be necessary until the evil spirits can be exercised like Tom... It would be better for him to be temporarily trapped then causing mass destruction.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/16
About feeling like your just re-writing the game... Harry can do things differently. Sure their are some 'quests' he will HAVE to go on, but as this is your story you can change up the order, out come, party members, ect. Even through in some side quests or flashbacks that might tell the history in a very visual way for Harry.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/16
Ok so Harry's bed is 'rock's hard... Since he's going on a guest he can collect things to make it softer.. This isn't the Dursleys were they would steal the blankets, accuse him of stealing, probably beat him, then burn it.

Also he's practicality living with the Graybeard for free bc their scared duty is SUPPOSED to be training Dragonborns. So he'll end up collecting extra money to do things with... Mainly buying equipment, books, and potions.

He no longer has to live poorly. While on Earth he has tons of money but no way to spend it without getting in trouble.
P.M.Alderhill chapter 10 . 7/13
Got to a further chapter, and must say im glad harry will be able to travel through worlds, heres to hoping he can bring people along with him. The story is going strong and is quite an enjoyable read. Regarding the dragonrend shout, it would be fun to use frul together with dovah to let harry change shape into a dragon some time, like an animagus transformation.
P.M.Alderhill chapter 8 . 7/13
love the story, the only thing is I would let harry stay in tamriel or return to it after dealing with Moldyshorts, poor child deserves a home and whiterun seems like an ideal place for him, please dont make him abandon the very first family he has, plus sirius could be free in tamriel and remus could be a companion, win-win situation for everybody there. So please just let him take care of voldetard, pick up sirius and remus and any gold in his vaults and return to tamriel.
Half-beastdragonsoul2013 chapter 1 . 7/6
I found this fic in the Elder Scrolls fanfic req and I liked Akatosh and Sheo’s convo. I don’t play Oblivion, but I’ve done Sheo’s Daedric quest in Skyrim at least once for the lulz. The fact that they are friends despite on opposing sides is a nice touch. I’ve read my fair share of Harry adoption fics, but this one is good so far.
Ranger McAleer chapter 29 . 7/3
Congrats on getting the fourth arc done on the same day you first posted four years later.
BigBronzeBoi chapter 29 . 7/2
This story is brilliant!
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