Reviews for Quiver
Suki Yasutori chapter 6 . 5/4
I really felt the need to leave a review for this chapter. I appreciate the way you had Sabine and Tom talk to Adrien and Marinette about their situation. It made me wish that my parents had talked to me in that way about it instead of making it sound like something that should never be done. Great writing! I’m excited to finish the rest of the story!
LadyNoirEternal15 chapter 21 . 1/14
So much of this is inaccurate and doesn’t hold up given everything we know now from the actual canon of the show.
Guest chapter 24 . 12/14/2019
Aw! Chloe is trying so hard to be a good friend!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/14/2019
Nathaniel is such a sweetie! I bet he'd make a good helper for them to have around next winter.
Brody chapter 24 . 11/22/2019
Started reading this series do to a short YouTube video showing the first aquarium scene and binged all three stories in 2 days, I couldn't put it down and had to keep reading. Sad it's over but this was so good from the playful banter and romance to the fights and sorrow moments I loved it all (and score put a nice bow on it since most shows dont put that stuff in which loses out on character development in my opinion).
Annie AR chapter 24 . 10/19/2019
This entire series was amazing. I'm literally speechless right now, this is a true work of art.
Early-season stories are always intriguing to read because so little was established, leaving all the lore up to the writer's interpretation. And I have to say that I truly enjoyed your take. (A favourite of mine was Chat Noir's version of the purification. It gave such an interesting spin to the narrative, I loved that.)
All the angst ripped my heart to shreds, but the fact it was followed by a happy ending made it worth it. This series leaves a pleasant feeling behind.
On top of everything, your writing is phenomenal. The way you manage to capture the characters, their personalities and their emotions adds a lot to the narrative.
All in all, this was a wonderful read. Thank you for writing and sharing this!
Lynz B chapter 6 . 10/14/2019
Such a sweet chapter. I love how the characters explored this side of things.
sakesaku34 chapter 8 . 10/3/2019
Is the
Nkemmer777 chapter 24 . 7/26/2019
Oh my gosh. I’m absolutely dead. When I first started this series, I was a little worried about what I had gotten myself into. Then because curiosity killed the cat, I kept reading. I developed an *obsession* with this series. And because of my *tendencies* to not sleep when I have a good book in front of ms, I finished the whole series within 36 hours. I freaking loved it. Every twist and turn, every little quirk, every freaking word. I want more. I know you're not writing another, and I respect that, but that can't stop me from wondering what's gonna happen after everyone gets their miraculouses. You're writing is superb and I wish you the best in your writing career.
LadyNoirEternal15 chapter 24 . 6/3/2019
You know this doesn’t line up with what actually is occurring in the show right? Alya just met Marinette in 8th grade and Marinette had her Miraculous only a couple days before Adrien got his, plus, Alya is the Fox not Nathanaël and Kim is dating Ondine, not Chloé and I know that Marcthaniel is canon, and there’s no canon for Chloé yet. Also Felicé aka Emilie never owned the Moth Miraculous, she owned the Peacock one and it was broken. Gabriel stole the butterfly and peacock Miraculous after Fu was distracted by a mysterious fire. Tigga is only fanon and that history is pure fanon. A lot of this is rewrites of things that don’t line up with the show. Just some creative help for ya.
shaid chapter 20 . 5/11/2019
I knew it! I had an inkling about the plot twit of it being Tigga. Not done reading. Just had to let you know I loved the plot twist!
Guest chapter 24 . 5/4/2019
And so, I really needed the "butt cakes" interlude after the emotional rollercoaster leading up to it. Many thankyous for forwarning cliffhangers so that I could try to budget my time...I have 6 young kids and a sweet spouse who like my attention from time to time:). about sums this story up. Amazingly well planned, full of hints and twists and beautifully balanced with heart, humor, angst and hope...very well done. Thank you for so many hours of fun and for the pleasure of a glimpse into your life - blessings and best wishes to you and yours as you fight for them and lead their hearts.
Booksrlife15 chapter 24 . 1/28/2019
Super, super cute ending. I loved it! The few chapters before this were super intense. I can't believe that Tigga, their child was the evil that was killing people! And Gabriel was fighting her, it was just too crazy. I'm glad that Felicie is okay. I think that their experience with Tigga and eventually getting Felicie back made Gabriel change a lot. I'm glad Adrien has both his parents back even if they are super awkward. I hope Tigga gets a stone, and she is better than before. She definitely needs help, and hopefully, her parents can give her what she needs. I got really close to crying multiple times... Awesome story!
vampireacademygirls chapter 24 . 1/23/2019
What an amazing story! I love the way you write and the way you expanded theses characters. Wonderful job.
vampireacademygirls chapter 20 . 1/22/2019
Omg! I'm tempting to go back and find every mention of Tigga now. I did not see that coming !
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