Reviews for Eye of the Hurricane
Guest chapter 1 . 3/24/2016
You made me cry but good job. i wish they would have turned Dean heel at fastlane, would've been cool.
ninja seth chapter 1 . 2/22/2016
Aw! this is cute. The hurricane thing is cool and all kinds of awesome. Cool story
caylender chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Well, you could blame me but that wouldn't be accurate now would it? You wanted to write this puppy like all week... How is that my fault? I mean, I guess I might encourage story ideas and I add to the complexity of the prompt by telling you that I'm thinking of writing a companion piece to your piece... But hey, I can't accept any blame at all... (Note: I never lie; I just forget to include key details.)

And I've said it before and I'll say it again, you don't know they're going to end their friendship. I mean, all signs point that way. And they did attack each other at the end of smack down. And the WWE likes to break apart brothers. And Intern Eve writes for the creative department and loves to mess with us emotionally... But none of that means anything really. For all we know, Dean and Roman will beat the living crap out of Broooock Lessssnaar, and will end up pinning him together (with the power of friendship and magic). Then the two week ride off into the sunset (yes, I'm aware the sun has already set since this is the main event- not the point) on a beautiful white unicorn (New Day leant them one because they can respect the need to make a dramatic statement) towards Wrestlemania where they'll both wrestle in a triple threat match against Triple H, and they'll both lose. Then I'm thinking another superstar (almost anyone but Ziggler) will win it... There problem solved. Brothers forever. Peace.

And that bit in the blame section about family transcending a bloodline? Right in the feels and I haven't even gotten to the story! No fair. But this is beautiful and I feel the same way.

Hey, nice author's note. (;

I love the repetition in the first three lines. Really emphasizes how Dean is beating himself up over this.

Huh, I didn't realize that you called Seth a weasel. Nice! I feel like that would be a Dean insult. (: and the Roman as Dean's only family line gets me every time. I can see why Dean would think that, especially with the whole your flesh and blood idea. How can you trump that? It would seem that nothing could really. I do really love that "someone he essentially helped in creating and untimely brought into the world" line. It's powerful. And I can see why Dean would be hung up over this concept.

That line about the authority loving their relationship is a cool concept. I can picture Stephanie just cackling while triple h smirks and thinks of the two as easy pickings.

I love what you did with the foundation and support beginning to crumble beneath Dean line. (;

Fortress of Solitude line for the win! Super geeky but appropriate because of Roman's nickname. Awesome metaphor here. And the every damn time line is what everyone thinks.

I like the hurricanes don't implode line too. It's true. They absorb whatever's in their paths and expel the objects away. Implosion almost promises a neat, short finish, like even though something is destroyed, at least the outside isn't affected bit that's not the case here. He's promising destruction and I don't think he's going to care who is collateral.

Big gorilla. Hehe

Your last line is brilliant. We don't know where this leaves us. Dean could literally go either way because yes, he's so unpredictable. And I love now you equated it to his brash decision. Just so right on so many levels.

Lovely job, captain. It was a pleasure to collaborate with you, and I love how well these turned out!
Willow Edmond chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Wow, this one tugged at the heartstrings. I agree, Dean and Roman's brotherhood will likely end tomorrow, but man, that's going to be hard.

And you captured that difficulty perfectly here. I really could understand Deans dilemma. Yes, Roman is his only family, but this is his life's goal standing in front of him. How can he pass that up?

Excellent story.
Dana1 chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
I wonder if Roman will congratulate Dean Sunday.
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Awesome story. I loved it and loved every bit of it. Yeah, they'll always be family, but in this case, only one man can win and brotherhood doesn't matter. As I said on my review to Caylender's story, I think that this is the end of the brotherhood as we know it and that they will split apart. I feel like Roman may turn heel or maybe Dean will turn heel. Either way, they won't be together anymore, and as sad as that makes me, I do think it'll be interesting to see where this leads. Nicely done on this, Cap. I loved it.

The Bubbly One,