Reviews for A Spartan Thing
Thalius chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
This was majorly adorable! You seem to have gotten Blue Team down perfectly. Great job! :)
Moongarm chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
I really like this. Fanfics that delve into the psyche of the Spartan-IIs seem to be hard to find. Usually I see romance fics or John/Cortana ones, which are fine for those that want that, but personally I find the fics that explore the Spartan-IIs and their unique relationship infinitely more interesting.

The headbutting thing is right in line with what we know of how the Spartan-IIs show affection. From the subtle touches on occasion (Kelly brushing Fred's shoulder as they entered Reach's atmosphere for example) and the smile on the faceplate thing they do all show how subtly they show care towards each other. I really like this new take on that, and it very well could be canon, it isn't anything overt like a hug, but it conveys a world of emotion between these supersoldiers.

Excellent little one shot, I greatly enjoyed it.

- Moongarm
Kifo Sotri chapter 1 . 2/29/2016
I'm always happy to see stories about Blue Team, and it makes it all the better when the story is well done. Great job.
Emanon438 chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
Not bad. Very good writing, portrays the character of Fred really well, combat was entertaining.
LunarCatNinja chapter 1 . 2/22/2016
Aaaaw. I love it. I don't read much Halo stories despite loving the games, but this one I enjoyed.