Reviews for Mr Fix It
Guest chapter 2 . 3/27
Mrs Eichelberger could be Sophia Petrillo's (The Golden Girls)crankier sister.
Dinogeek chapter 8 . 5/30/2019
I have never in my life wanted a man to finally get his fucking pancakes so badly. I actually almost cheered for him.
Kelana-ti chapter 8 . 9/20/2018
I forget what chapter it was in but when Bucky was inwardly complaining about the fake syrup, fake wood, fake sugar... I totally agree with him. :)
You write PTSD pretty good-kinda a sad compliment, but true and man I bet it's difficult.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/15/2018
Yes! Bucjy finally gets to eat his pancakes!
lerouret1 chapter 8 . 3/2/2018
Oh, that was lovely. And Bucky got his pancakes!

I really enjoyed reading this. You balanced angst and fluff beautifully.

Now I want maple syrup.
lerouret1 chapter 6 . 3/2/2018
Mambo and his catnip mice reminded me of my Mungojerrie, who used to steal pen caps, milk carton caps, and Christmas ornaments, and stow them under the sofa.
lerouret1 chapter 5 . 3/2/2018
The Hobbit references, my god! I got my start writing Tolkien fiction, too!

And after all this, he'd better get his pancakes. AND share them with Mr. Kowalski!
lerouret1 chapter 4 . 3/2/2018
"God would never waste a miracle on Bucky Barnes."

:-( More frowny faces than even for the brussels sprouts.

Also, I MUST try the gooey butter cake ! That looks evil.

So well done. On to the next!
lerouret1 chapter 2 . 3/2/2018
There are so many wonderful moments in here! The trip to Aldi and the unexpected quarterlessness throwing him into a panic. The memory of Gilmore Hodge. The bath pouf ("Take that, Hydra assoles"). Pancakes with a smiley face. And that ending, god!
lerouret1 chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
This is just lovely. You've created some spectacular word-pictures of Bucky's home, and follow his broken thought processes beautifully. His "missing letters" echoing the Maintenance sign, realizing he wasn't attracted to bald men, the feel of dry socks on cold damp feet - wonderfully written. I look forward to reading the rest!
xbecbebex chapter 3 . 5/28/2017
You're literally going to be the death of me. Omg. I wanna shake Bucky kindly and say that monologue from The Help... the you is smart one...
xbecbebex chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
green-jedi chapter 8 . 2/4/2017
Oh my gosh. You are so good at writing the emotions. You never gloss over all the turmoil that your characters are feeling. You let them cry and that is awesome. Thank you for your Bucky stories. And you know what? I really like Kowalski. I like how real he is. He's memorable. I can totally see him.
Rainglyph13 chapter 8 . 1/23/2017
I loved Bucky's quest for pancakes! You've written him as I imagine he would be, trying to find himself with very little to go on. His reaction to just the smell of the pancakes was priceless. I'm glad he's finding little bits of himself this way, and he seems to be getting a little more control over his alter ego. Thanks for this little glimpse into Bucky's life.
The Urban Spaceman chapter 8 . 12/4/2016
Hooray for Bucky getting his pancakes and even reclaiming a few memories of family along the way. I love seeing different authors' takes on Bucky's family, and it's a shame he can't remember anything more about his other two sisters.

The thought of his notebooks with a puppy and a kitten on the front made me smile. How very un-HYDRA of him. They'd probably have a fit if they found out their Asset was writing in notebooks with fluffy kittens on the front. I also liked the Dum Dum cameo; very inkeeping with how I see Dugan acting/talking.

Overall excellent story. Even though it's just a snapshot in time, following only a couple of days in Bucky's life after Washington, it feels like it provides a larger view, like this story, magnified by a hundred, would be an accurate picture of everything he went through to reclaim his freedom. Looking forward to the next chapter of You Will Call Me Friend. :-)
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