Reviews for The Gate
Kaehari chapter 6 . 2/7/2018
Wow... This is just amazing. All of the feelings you described here were almost poetic. You're a very talented writer. Thank you so much for this!
Klaroline M chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
I'm crying. For real. I can't find the perfect words to thank for this. I've watched Darker Than Black this year, and I really wanted more of Hei and Yin's story. You gave me that. Thank you with all my heart.
bakabon1504 chapter 1 . 9/7/2017
love it..i enjoy so much...
Nothing Much chapter 6 . 6/25/2017
Loved it! The characterization was spot-on and exquisite! Thank you for sharing.
BTWNTHELINES chapter 6 . 6/17/2017
I keep coming back to this story. So cute! ;)
BTWNTHELINES chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
Fantastic first chapter. Can't wait to read the rest. You've captured their personalities so beautifully. I learn so much more about their characters from your stories than I have from any other in Darker than BLACK. Thanks for the inspiration and contributing to Hei x Yin stories. This pairing is so underrated but they have so much potential!
blueajisai chapter 6 . 10/3/2016
Just want to say how much I enjoyed this fic and Wonder (still have yet to read Past From Beyond the Gate, but I'll get to it!) I think if there was a continuation to the end of season 2, this is how I imagine it would be, your characterization of Hei and Yin is spot on. Although the ending isn't completely happy, as they will be on the run indefinitely, you feel a bit of hope that they'll be fine as long as they're together.
blackhellbutterfly chapter 2 . 7/1/2016
Yes! Yin talked. I bet Hei would be ecstatic. Great writing I could feel the emotions of Hei so much it breaks my heart. Gambate Hei!
blackhellbutterfly chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Hei x Yin. ️
Ryan chapter 6 . 3/12/2016
Always glad to see more darker than black fics , especially with hei and yin :) great work, hope to see more
Tatiasha chapter 6 . 3/14/2016
I've just finished watching this show and I loved it, mostly I loved Hei and Yin, so this is the first fic I read about them. Really really loved it. Hope you continuing writing about this pairing!
Zuolen chapter 6 . 3/14/2016
Beautiful story! Enjoyed it very much!
I love that you continued where season 2 left off. It fits perfectly, the inner conflict of Hei and Yin were amazing!
You are very good at writing about them and getting your characters in character! Keep up your good work! I'm really looking forward to reading more from you! :)