Reviews for Project Iphigenia
The100fan09 chapter 40 . 7/8
12 chapter 40 . 6/27
Been waiting for that for a long time and you didn't disappoint
Chloee0x0 chapter 40 . 6/27
Awwww so cute!
pwrmom2 chapter 40 . 6/27
Love it..welcome back
The100fan09 chapter 39 . 6/22
Oh my fucking god... this story is so damn good! You left it hanging when Bellamy proposed and Clarke says she’s pregnant!? Ahhh please pick this story up againnnn!
lydo99 chapter 5 . 6/11
I know that I just started reading this story but I love it already :)
Chloee0x0 chapter 39 . 4/5
I am obsessed with this story, please update soon :)
Lourrenda07 chapter 39 . 9/4/2019
I've pretty much been reading this nonstop since I found it. Sooo good! Please say you're going to make more lol.
(Also want to drop some love for your Murphy. The way you write him is absolutely brilliant. I'm so happy someone else out there shares the Murphy love!)
Sere'sLight chapter 39 . 4/18/2019
This is an intense story and very well written.
I think I’ve spend the last 2 weeks reading this and I can’t wair for the next chapter.
But I’m so very curious about how your going to get them to earth, especially as they are all adults now.
pwrmom2 chapter 39 . 4/3/2019
Ugh I broke my cardinal rule and read an unfinished’s your fault for being such a good writer...I’ve read a couple other of your stories and become an addict...please continue ASAP! I know you have a life, so I will try to be patient, but whatever you do please don’t leave this unfinished!
12 chapter 39 . 3/31/2019
That was really sweet in places great work
sophiecampbellbower chapter 39 . 3/6/2019
YES! FINALLY! THEY'RE HAVING A BABY! I didn't think you'd make it happen so soon but I'm soo happy!
Man I'm so glad you updated I missed this story!
I can't believe what cadence had to do to save them... I literally can only imagine a few things worse than that. She is a hero and even if I immediately knew what she was going to do when she left bell it didn't make it any less scary to think about. Poor thing. I think the group should all give her a gift or have a party or something to thank her. Well maybe not a party but just something to show her they appreciate her ya know? Tbh their friendship as a group is something I really envy. To be that close with people who aren't your blood relatives... Idk but I want that.
Anyways I don't know if you're accepting bellarke baby names suggestions but I personally love Will for a boy and Emma for a girl ( it could be a homage to Swann ya know)
Well I think that's it for now. I hope you update again soon.
Love, sofia
sophiecampbellbower chapter 38 . 2/4/2019
So u haven't updated this story in a while which is a shame. I'm also partially to blame bc I read this a while ago and then totally forgot to review but I just wanted you to know that someone still is waiting for another chapter and it'd be sad to leave such a great story incomplete. ;)
Anyways I forgot most of what I had to say about this story except that I loved it. Sorry. Pls update it if u can!
Love, sofia
Jacob Denness chapter 38 . 5/13/2018
glad your back :) i look forward to next chapter
Emperor's Sister chapter 38 . 5/10/2018

Wow, had to sniffle a bit due to the mass elder suicide, but it seems rather on point. Logically, the younger sect should be saved and the older ones sacrificed once their knowledge and skills have been passed on so not to be lost. Kinda seems like Clarke got her 1st taste of growing up the hard way, but is still a bit too nieve to be able to understand why the elder's offed themselves in order to buy the rest more time. Kinda reminds me a bit of the episode in the 1st series where after Clarke's mum finally released the news re: the ark to the public and a section of volunteers marched up to be taken out. At least this way there were no sad orphans left behind. Also nice to see we have a due date.. 3 years max! Anyhoo, please write more soon!
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