Reviews for Harry Potter and the Pureblood Prince
Tatymoluka chapter 49 . 6/16
This was a wonderful story!
I thought it would be a Drarry but I don’t care, because love is beautiful and a real/good friendship is priceless...
I enjoyed every minute while I was reading the fic!
Thank you!
ThatGryffinclaw chapter 20 . 6/13
Nononnononoononono! Not Molly please don’t kill her! I’m gonna cry. NOOOO!
Lyria17 chapter 49 . 4/10
I looove this story! It is awesome! Thank you so much for writing this!I only would have liked to have an epilogue a bit further in the future to show where everyone ended up and maybe what they are doing as jobs or something like that. Or some more parts of Harry‘s healing, a relationship for example. But other than that I really like your story!
Dude chapter 49 . 4/3
Overall a great story even though all the twists and happenings in the last 19 chapters were a little to much for me. Most of the story, the emotional parts especially, were done rather nicely.
Dude chapter 41 . 4/3
Overly dramatic in chapter 40/41 especially since the background is rather wobbly at best. Drama needs to be created around a situation that can not be fixed, the more inconsistencies you create the more rediculous a usually dramatic situation becomes. Malfoys character literally changes like a leave. Once to much if you ask me. The situation doesn't seem unfixable, it is not precisely enough described to create a damoclean sword. Etc.
Dude chapter 35 . 4/2
Not defending yourself from harm is in no way being the better person. One important thing is that you also have a duty to yourself. Not only to your believes and morals but also to your well being. During a hunger strike or with suicide you might spread a political, ideological or philosophical massage, but simply taking the pain that is inflicted upon you is, as far as I know, a sign of mental issues. Well Harry as a child is not at fault obviously, but I met adults who apparently would rather turn the other chin than defend themselves. Such action or lack thereof should not be mistaken as noble since it really is only a sign of mental issues, delusion or fanatism.
Dude chapter 13 . 3/19
If a certain slytherin doesn't carry out hopefully painful and deadly revenge I will be highly disappointed.
Dude chapter 12 . 3/19
Chapter 12 ruined it for me.
This is supposed to be fanfiction not a catholic school.
kidinthespandex chapter 49 . 3/8
I spent this weekend reading this, you are fucking awesome. The style of writing, spelling, grammar and plot are perfect. You're talented and brilliant. Thanks so much for such a great and gripping read xx
tvd-spn chapter 49 . 2/16
Thank you for sharing such an incredible story. I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter- thank you.
Jamie L Winter chapter 1 . 2/11
An epic and fantastic take! The abuse described was horrible but not beyond the nesesity of the story.
Shiaira73 chapter 49 . 12/16/2019
Wow. This was a great read! I am so glad I found it! I am SUPER glad that you took the time to write and complete such great tale. Thank you. Thank you for making me cry, for breaking my heart and showing me the hope and beauty of a brand new day. Absolutely fantastic. I will be reading this again.
rgjflood chapter 48 . 10/20/2019
I giggled like a maniac when talking about soul-bonds between friends. Im so happy that they found each other and will be friends for the rest of their lives. And you did an excelent job on not overshadowing one over the other you showed each of the sevens strengths and i am just so happy.
rgjflood chapter 34 . 10/20/2019
rgjflood chapter 31 . 10/20/2019
*whispers* luna, luna,luna
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