Reviews for Evergreen Loop
DMBSJB18 chapter 17 . 6/21
Oh hiiii! 3 years later and begging for an update :) really need to see the Halloween party!
Maps Maps Maps chapter 18 . 6/18
Ok this story is too cute for words. I squealed like a little girl and giggled. A. Lot. Thanks for sharing, will be waiting for new chaps ️
OG chapter 18 . 5/20

I really love this story. I just love how they’re such good friends at first and then turn to lovers. This fic is so soft and makes me go heart eyes. I just love the calming vibez i get from e and b. Oh and that cafeteria scene between e,b, j and a was so funny! Fuck mike tho, this mike can choke.

I really hope that you’ll come back for this fic and finish it. But, until then I’ll just keep re-reading the existing chapters.

Wishing you good health and safety!
luv this chapter 18 . 5/7
i miss this PLEASE COME BACK
StoryMilkiway chapter 18 . 4/11
Please oh please write the next chapter please
mem4375 chapter 18 . 2/8
If you ever get the urge to finish the one, I’d love to read it!
guest chapter 8 . 2/1
no, Mike. YOU are the fucking bitch!
Rogueish28 chapter 18 . 10/23/2019
Awww... I love this Bella... She's so antisocial and awkward... It reminds me of me... lol...
Back - In - The - Day chapter 18 . 10/19/2019
This is soooooo good. I hope to see another chapter soon! You’ve captured the magic of teen love really well.

Can’t wait to see if Bella really goes to this party!
Guest chapter 18 . 9/21/2019
Okay so I just found this story yesterday and I love it! Sometimes when people write characters that aren't great at socialising it's painfully awkward and cringy to the point where I have to give up but your Bella still feels so natural and really relatable! In fact I don't think I've ever read such a good depiction of teenagers! From the way they dress to the way the think and talk seriously this is so good! I hope you will continue this story at some point because it really deserves a good ending!
Lots of love to you!
osugirl345 chapter 18 . 9/16/2019
This story is so great! I hope you pick it back up again eventually!
AshleyCoy87 chapter 18 . 8/23/2019
I hope you haven't given up on this story! I know it can be hard to find the inspiration and motivation sometimes. This story has been in the back of my mind for the past year, I'd be sad to not see these two get a happy ending! chapter 18 . 7/14/2019
This is a really good story. Bella's shyness reads realistically and I adore the sweet relationship you're building between her and Edward. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Thank you!
luvyateamedward chapter 18 . 3/26/2019
Loving this story. Hope you decide to finish it. Great writing!
FictionLlama chapter 18 . 3/13/2019
I've reread this story multiple times, and I still hope for an udate. It has almost been two years, and I really love your Bella en Edward. I just wanna put them in my pocket for safe keeping ;)
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