Reviews for White Collar: Double or Nothing
Guest chapter 25 . 8/24
Please finish this! It is so good!
windancer29 chapter 25 . 6/13/2019
the setting, plot and your writing style... everything is perfect! could you please finish this? can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 25 . 2/9/2019
Please finish this! This is just too good to not finish!
Marie chapter 25 . 2/27/2017
I like your work so much that I keep coming back to it looking for updates... Neal working for the FBI as an agent, for the CIA as a "thief" and finding his own voice as an artist is a development that is easy to believe but not as easy to create. Congratulations on your writing! You keep the essence of the characters while they evolve through the story. Thanks. I hope you update soon.
kasinka613 chapter 25 . 11/9/2016
Great chapter. But as you know every chapter that has Frost in it is great for me:) I like the part when he showed them their equipment for the mission, just like in Bond movies. Can't wait to see how they'll use it:) Oh and I hope Mozzie will make an appearance soon, I'm sure he could solve this riddle:)
pechika chapter 25 . 11/9/2016
The gadgets are from a James Bond flick. Love the peace offering for Mozzie. Frost sharing so much info with Peter and Neal is great
Elysynn chapter 24 . 10/25/2016
*warm glow*
Wonderful to see Neal growing and happy... Love his subject matter for the painting, and Peter's pride and surprise with Neal's work.
DarkestSideOfMoon chapter 24 . 10/17/2016
Another great update! I'm so glad Neal is finally feeling comfortable and happy enough with his life to produce original art - and your description of it is so beautiful! A wonderful bitter-sweet chapter. Please keep them coming! x
Wondo chapter 24 . 10/15/2016
Smiling with delight over a Caffrey original. Hurrah for Neal! What a milestone for him.
His new life must "suit" him...
pechika chapter 24 . 10/15/2016
I hope James is caught it will give everyone some closer. I am glad that Neal is painting originals. Love the descriptions of the paintings.
Wondo chapter 23 . 10/8/2016
This case is fascinating. I look forward to watching Neal and Peter working with a different partner...temporarily!
DarkestSideOfMoon chapter 23 . 10/8/2016
Another excellent chapter! And the fact that you are using bits of actual things that happened in the real heist investigation makes it so much more fascinating! But is Neal really ok with Bryant being such a killing machine? I know he's more comfortable about having a gun, but still :) Well, we will need to wait and find out! Please keep this story going! It's one of the best!
pechika chapter 23 . 10/7/2016
Liked the conversation between Neal and Frost. There seems to be a lot of lonely souls in the group. Hope mozzie comes around. Neal plan sounds dangerous hope it does not go south
kasinka613 chapter 23 . 10/7/2016
I'm looking forward to Frost working with Peter:) Can't wait to see those two in action:)
Guest chapter 23 . 10/7/2016
Interesting conversation between Frost and Neal. Hope Neal plan works these people sound dangerous. I am sure Mozzie will come around.
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