Reviews for Changing History: Calenhiril's Search
homelybiscuit chapter 30 . 5/26
It was a wonderful journey and an amazing read, I am so glad I found this fic!
katie chapter 30 . 5/5
It has been a lovely story. Thank you.
BooBoo33 chapter 30 . 4/30
Wow! You started writing the first story when I was 12 years old. I was up all night reading all of them. I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next. You did an amazing job, had me crying for the trees. I enjoyed your stories very much. Thanks! :)
issv chapter 30 . 4/26
I have spent the last few days reading 1-4 in your saga and it has been an incredible read. I have always enjoyed reading stories that have sought to save Boromir and extend the depth of his character, but this was so far beyond my expectations. The relationships, character development and complexity of the story - balancing Tolkien's original path and Melody's choices - is excellently written and emotionally provoking. I will definitely be reading your story again, once I've recovered from the rollercoaster of emotions and gotten some sleep. Thank you so much for your hard work ensuring this story was finished, I wish I had found it as you were writing it so I could have encouraged you along the way. Regardless, thank you again and I look forward to reading more from you in the future.
JewelOfHope chapter 30 . 2/24
This is singlehandedly the most phenomenal fanfiction I have ever read, to the point where it no longer feels like fanfiction. This series has thrown me through many emotional tunnels (I never thought I’d cry over the death of a tree), and it is so wonderfully written! If you have not already been told this;

Thank you, and you should be proud.
BG Sparrow chapter 30 . 11/4/2019
I’ve hardly slept these last two days reading your saga, and I commend your dedication and hard work in giving us such a well-written story and alternate world to fall into. I quite enjoyed reading my first-ever B/OC fic, and I’ll be measuring all others against it. Well done!
Boromirs fan chapter 30 . 3/1/2019
OMG! This is literally the best LOTR fanfiction I’ve ever read (and I’ve been reading them for years). It’s so well written and I’m amazed by the way you describe things. Also, Elladan and Elrohir’s dialogs were the best thing ever, again, SO WELL WRITTEN!
DudettRin101 chapter 30 . 11/12/2018
I have just spent the last several days binging these stories and I am so very happy with this ending. Sad, but happy. This has been glorious and I thank you for writing such a wonderful tale
lotty-x chapter 30 . 11/9/2018
So just binged all four of these books and i am in love, probably the best, most researched lotr fic i’ve ever read and definitely should have way more faves and reviews! This story is phenomenal and I will miss Mel now her story is over!
Robmart chapter 30 . 10/29/2018
This story is amazing and I love it so much I might actually explode.
Chloe chapter 30 . 9/20/2018
I came across your first book of this saga only last Friday but it feels like a lifetime has come and gone for me. I laughed, cried, swore, and felt loss with each and every character in this absolutely beautiful series. It is rare I can find anything that can touch my heart like your story did, and I would like to thank you. Thank you, for giving me this beautiful extension of the world we all love so much. Thank you for giving me Melody.
Leo105 chapter 30 . 7/31/2018
Thank you so, so, so, so much for writing this amazing, touching, beautiful story. Seldom have I read such a story, I loved it very much and I want you to know that you truly are an amazing author. So again, thank you so much, this was one of the very best stories I've read so far on this platform. I wish you all the best!
Hikari no Minerva chapter 9 . 3/7/2018
I have laughed, cried, and loved my way through your series. I have ALWAYS thought Boromir dying was not.../right/, in a way. Thank you for writing your story and, should you ever write a book in real life, I have a special place on my overflowing bookshelf for it!
Hikari (Trisha)
Buckbeak3798 chapter 30 . 2/13/2018
Oh my god im crying right now. This story was just so, so beautyful. It touched my heart. I love it. All the characters and the storyline it is just perfect. Thank you so much. Thank you.
KylieKyotie chapter 1 . 1/29/2018
I have done 2 binge-reads of this entire series - books 1-4. It is completely captivating and I find it moving on so many levels. Astounding - really.
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