Reviews for Thursday Night
Pride365 chapter 23 . 12/19/2018
I can't believe this was your first story. It was absolutely amazing. I love this pairing anyway but I really enjoyed your story and how it didn't need to go over the top and rip my heart out. There was drama and progression but nothing that killed me every time I turned around. Thank you.
Guest chapter 22 . 7/26/2018
Thank you, really. Thank you for this amazing story, for all the emotions, for the fantastic relationship that all the girls have in this story, becouse having love and friends like them in our life is everithing a girl wish. (Sorry for my english, it's not my language)
NomadDreamer chapter 23 . 8/28/2017
Un-real. This was so insanely awesome I can't adequately express how much I loved it. A-maz-ing! The fact that this was your first story blows me away. The Clexa reconciliation scene was beautiful, and the proposal was adorable and damn you're a genius. Awesome.
Dovaogedys chapter 23 . 2/16/2017
That was amazing ! I had so much feels reading this chapter !
silentstruggle55 chapter 23 . 1/8/2017
Absolutely loved this work! Thank you.
Lady Of Cythera chapter 22 . 1/5/2017
I was going to review on the final chapter, but this one had me in stitches. I love the way your writing has progressed throughout the story and I'm literally up at stupid o'clock in the morning reading this when I have work tomorrow. Oh god.
I absolutely love the wit in your dialogue. The truth and dare had me laughing out loud - and that's not something I do too often at fanfics. Looking forwards to finishing the rest of the story tomorrow! This chapter cheered me up massively, so thank you!

Lady Of Cythera.
soulterror chapter 23 . 1/2/2017
wow wow wow what a way to end a story. awesome job,
so happy to have such and awesome update.

sad to see it go but i truly enjoyed reading it


and cant wait to read more from you
Lady Of Cythera chapter 12 . 1/2/2017
(Just a note that I don't often review fictions unless I feel it would be worth my time and the author's, and it seems you're still active so I hope you'll find this review somewhat useful!)

I started reading this fiction yesterday for dire need of Clexa feels. So far, it's pretty refreshing for a number of reasons. I enjoy the quick back-and-forth pace of the dialogue between characters. I've caught myself laughing a fair few times at the humour you've put into it. It's also refreshing to read something that isn't all doom and gloom (I do love a bit of angst though...) but this is light and easy to read for the most part.
Although I've noticed in some parts that behaviour from the individuals can be a little out of character, I get the feeling that this is supposed to be fluffy and even a little cheesy in places - so it's not so misplaced for the vibe of this story. Also, you do capture their sassier sides perfectly.
I think it's cute how you've shown Lexa to be a little more vulnerable than she would be otherwise in the series (when she's not busy breaking my heart by being dead).
I also enjoy the incorporation of the other characters and how you've developed their relationships with each other in the most positive way possible. Clarke in canon has a tendency to piss everybody off so it's nice there's less of that in here. Also I enjoy that you talk about the healthcare side of it and try and keep it as realistic as possible (but that's probably because I'm a nurse and I tend to die inside a little when people don't add context accurately in particular relation to healthcare etc.).

I do have a couple of pointers though. As a hobbyist writer myself, I wouldn't have been able to develop without the help of other authors so I hope you find this useful and not patronising (as that's not the intention). I feel that it's pretty clear you have a natural ability and intelligence to write well. However, I have noticed that in some parts, you change tense from present to past and this can be a little confusing to the reader. It was more prominent in the earlier chapters though.
What helped me was understanding that sometimes in writing, less is more. It can have larger impact on the reader if you use short and snappy sentences in heated moments of passion/anger, etc. Of course, not always, but it can help the reader to feel your words rather than just read them.
I also personally hate writing scenes where there are two people of the same gender because you're forever trying to distinguish one "she" from the other. Although sometimes, it can make sentences a little clumsy to refer to each person as something different every time you mention them - (if that makes sense!) For some reason, it won't let me highlight a specific sentence and use it as an example, so I'll just make up an exaggerated example: "Clarke looked into the brunette's eyes and Lexa reached forwards to hold the slightly shorter girl's hand." Although there's nothing wrong with this (completely made up) sentence, it might be more digestible to write it like: "Clarke looked into Lexa's eyes as the latter reached forwards to hold her hand."
Obviously, I know it's down to personal preference and you should continue to write however you like, but for me I find keeping it simple can help to improve the flow of the story.

I hope you found my review useful and I'd be happy to continue chatting or offering my view from the reader's perspective should you ever fancy a second opinion!
I'm looking forwards to reading the remaining few chapters and hope that you'll keep up the good work!
Thanks for feeding my self-destructive need to see a happy ending for Clexa!
Lady Of Cythera. xox
Guest chapter 23 . 12/28/2016
Awe there Getting married xD
Great end thanks for writing :)
Guest chapter 23 . 12/28/2016
Awe loves it thanks :)
treetweely chapter 17 . 12/26/2016
Omg, Clarke is being such a dick! I feel so frustrated for poor Lexa :( This is the first AU Clexa story that I've ever become addicted to. LOVING it. I just hope that Clarke ends up showing some appreciation towards Lexa, she's definitely got some groveling to do in my opinion.
IDontLikeUserNames2 chapter 23 . 12/23/2016
you did absolutely amazing! I love this story so much. I've read it six times already and I'm still amazed! thank you
Bunnii315 chapter 1 . 11/16/2016
i absolutely loved this story. it was by far one of the best I've read :D thank you for writing and sharing
AkaHime chapter 22 . 8/12/2016
Great story! I hope you continue posting stories like this! :)
Guest chapter 22 . 7/16/2016
I'm new to The100 fandom and I must say this fanfic is really worth my time. I really like it. Thanks for sharing this story and I hope to read more from you :)
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