Reviews for Aevitas
Smithrooks chapter 8 . 6/25
Chapter 7: Ayane had some good insight! Similar to what I was thinking. Also, you did a really great job highlighting the ways in which our morals and perceptions of normality change with time - Emma finds the very thought of eating actual slaughtered meat repulsive. Very fitting for this age of society, I like it!

Chapter 8: More Kyouko is always welcome! And things got a little steamy there, whew. Emma also gets a dress! I'd love to see that in a picture or something. One can hope...
Smithrooks chapter 6 . 6/24
I've always wanted to see inside Zeus Research Institute. The melding of magic and science would be weird and wacky indeed. Good to see that everyone's progressing with their lives and careers too!
Smithrooks chapter 5 . 6/23
Wow they're awkward, but so adorable. And Kyouko joins the picture! Nicely written spar, and yes Emma's style is very much like Kyouko's when she was younger. Lots of overwhelming power and tempo, but it fails against those that can stand up to it.
Smithrooks chapter 4 . 6/23
Haha that personality change from Vivianne. I think she's just the typical 'not a morning person', who in reality is atypical and rare to see in the age of implant-mediated consciousness modules. Eliana Cruz, eh? An Ancient shows up - wonder what role she'll have to play.
Smithrooks chapter 3 . 6/23
Mmm, the Theological Council. Also, by their standards music from the jazz and soul period would be akin to our view of baroque music! Total classics, but not appreciated by the wider audience. And hammerspace sticking around enough to become the official technical term is hilarious.
Smithrooks chapter 2 . 6/23
Oof, what a vision. Indeed, the Goddess can't have her remembering her identity. And those paths... Emma's got to strike a balance between both paths if she wants to do the best she can. She did wish to make the best out of her life, after all, so I have faith she'll make the right choices in the end.
Smithrooks chapter 1 . 6/23
Ahaha, 'going to go be crazy and religious'. I love it! Some very good character interactions in this chapter, and I just wanted to say that the last chapter of Sodales ended very appropriately, with the sisters together like they were in the beginning. And the more slice-of-lifey stuff is a great change of pace, especially the bits like MSY Education and Housing that flesh out the world.
Animus of Masada chapter 18 . 3/25/2019
Just wanted to say that I love this story. I’ll try to put up a more detailed review tonight when I’m not on my phone.
Lord-Sylph chapter 17 . 1/5/2019
Wait, 18 is the last chapter?! Please tell me there’s a book four! It can’t end like this! xD
Lord-Sylph chapter 18 . 1/5/2019
How cuuuuute! That last scene was just so amazingly fluffy!
RCgamer chapter 18 . 1/4/2019
That's sweet to see Emma getting her life stabilized somewhat, can't wait to see what future series hold for this great series!
Lord-Sylph chapter 15 . 1/3/2019
The line “that, uh, that one moment was a bit of a shock. And I really like boobs.”
Is that implying what I think it’s implying?
vxVUE chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3cAwst0ri61
DayDreamer9 chapter 15 . 6/30/2018

Ooooh, I hope they work out "hearts" Fem!Ryouta sounds SO adorbs _ And him and Ayane bonding is very natural and very cute, well done :)
DayDreamer9 chapter 14 . 6/30/2018
Welcome back! "GLOMP"
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