Reviews for Ash and Pikachu II: XYZ
RDFAN7669 chapter 107 . 7/11
Another great chapter! I'm certainly happy that I can finally relax reading the story! The entire Centurion arc had me on the edge of my seat so frequently, I may as well have been levitating! Glad that it all worked out. Of course, it's always nice to see things get a bit steamy, as well! ;) Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading the next chapter!
opalpika13 chapter 107 . 7/11
Interesting, Ashachu got a new tail, but now he may get in trouble for wanting to be with Blade.. Hunter found both of them together. Hope Ash and Pikachu find them soon, and also hope Hunter isn't too mad at Ashachu. Great chapter.
Blade The Sneasel chapter 107 . 7/10
Damn it, I hate it but I love it. Why Ashachu? Why Blade? How could you both do this to your mates!?

Well that just pissed me off, but just as I got over Ash and Oshawott...actually this'll be harder to get over. Oh well you did great with this one, loved the chapter. I will say with everything I gave you to work with I shoulda seen this coming. Damn humans and their affinity enabler and incense and whatever else spurred that on.

Poor Hunter.
RDFAN7669 chapter 106 . 5/17
Good to see more chapters! Apparently, my email decided to stop notifying me about new chapters, so I missed reading Chapter 105 on the day it released as I usually do, but I'm all caught up now and I still am unable to understand how you are so good at keeping my heartrate up for the entire chapter! Keep it up! Can't wait for the next chapter!

I'm certainly looking forward to when Ash and Ashachu get reunited, but it isn't because of the happy family reunion. I'm looking forward to it because if anyone from Team Flare is still alive when that reunion happens, I suspect they won't be alive for much longer once Ash sees the state of Ashachu's tail...
opalpika13 chapter 106 . 5/17
Wow.. Oshawott still couldn't get over Geyser being hurt from trying to save Ashachu and Hunter, taking it out on Pikachu.. at least Ash may be close to finding Ashachu and Hunter now. And Blade found his father, Cleave.. now that's a surprise.
Blade The Sneasel chapter 106 . 5/17
Weeeeelllll fu**!
Blade The Sneasel chapter 105 . 5/10
Mystery Dungeon world...I admit this took me entirely by surprise and I wondered if you'd ever use those forms again, seems Ashachu and Hunter can Synchro evolve after all. Impressive most impressive. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, and I am glad to see Ashachu is the type to not want to let people die, even ones that threatened him.
opalpika13 chapter 105 . 5/10
So Zeraora Ash is Ash from the future as a Pokemon in the Mystery Dungeon world, interesting. Ash has no clue how he could end up as a Zeraora in the future. Other than that, Ashachu and Hunter became those evolved forms like when they fought Entei. This is getting very interesting now. Great chapter. Keep up the good work.
RDFAN7669 chapter 104 . 4/28
Things are certainly getting complicated! I'm certainly not complaining! It's certainly building the anticipation for what's going to happen next! Keep it up!
opalpika13 chapter 104 . 4/28
Interesting, so apparently Ash had a Pokemon counterpart version of himself? And Geyser of that world is a Samurott? And also, a Trevanant who knows Axew and Zorua and wants to redeem itself by helping Ash and warn him of "the blinding one". Whatever is happening, it's quite interesting. Keep up the good work.
Blade The Sneasel chapter 104 . 4/27
I had a feeling those three pokenon might have been from a different time or timeline, honestly had you not outright said it I'd have asked in this review. But there are more questions mounting with this chapter, too many for me to think of just one. Everything is going insane and if there is any feeling of normality in the coming chapters they'll likely feel fake, or unreal.
At any rate I loved the chapter, keep pushing yourself to do even better.
opalpika13 chapter 103 . 4/8
Even though Blade finally seen Shadow again, it was short lived, more Flare grunts shown up grabbing them, along with Ashachu, Hunter, and Pyre. Ash, Pikachu, Oshawott, and Geyser however were in different dimensions, Geyser somehow used some power from Cosmog apparently. Very interesting chapter, looking forward to more.
Blade The Sneasel chapter 103 . 4/7
They're all caught, aww and Shadow and Blade just had their little reunion. Ash and his pokemon seem to be somewhere, if I had to guess Ultra Space because of Geyser with Cosmog in him.

There are too many things about this chapter that I loved. Keep up the awesome work Ivy. You're the best.
opalpika13 chapter 102 . 3/31
It's definitely going to get worse for Ash now, first with him attempting to save Ashachu with Geyser and now some mysterious creature wants to go after Geyser and even told Ash and all of his Pokemon that he would sacrifice any of his other Pokemon for Pikachu or Ashachu. Oshawott is still upset with Ash too, but Geyser understood. Like I said, Oshawott wanted to be with Ash even though he has a relationship with Pikachu, and Ash wanted the same with Oshawott so they're both at fault. I wonder if Ash will get to Ashachu soon but I know he won't react good if he sees how he looks without his tail.. Looking forward to the next chapter.
RDFAN7669 chapter 102 . 3/30
Ivy, Ivy, Ivy. You need to stop with all these cliffhangers! My poor heart can't take it! (Don't actually, I love them!) This story is still as epic as ever, and I continually find myself unable to sleep until I've finished reading the latest chapter. I look forward to the next one!
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