Reviews for Halo: Remnant of the Past
Guest chapter 3 . 7/20
Me parece una historia muy irregular aunque potencialmente interesante escrita de una manera chapucera,mejor historia seria si postulas lo siguiente...
.Los Desterrados,liderados por el Cacique y señor de la guerra Jiralhanae Atriox,llegan y toman casi inmediata ocupacion de Remnant,acabando lenta,silenciosa y casi completamente con el White Fang, a la vez que eliminan a cualquiera que los ve y se asentan en el Bosque Emerald planeando conquistar el planeta y asi aprovechar su enorme cantidad de recursos,ademas de ingresar a un antiguo templo lleno de tecnologia Forerunner ubicada en el interior de las profundidades subterraneas del planeta

No obstante,las Espadas de Sanghelios,luego de haber forjado una alianza con otras 2 facciones del Remanente Covenant,una liderada por Merg Vol y otra un grupo mercenario encabezados por el otro Sangheili,Vata'Gajat,localizan a los Desterrados y deciden acabar con ellos y eliminar al lider Atriox
La historia narraria su alianza con los Humanos de Remnant,su ocupacion en una serie de bases y una colonia del planeta y su posterior lucha contra los Desterrados,quienes descubren a los Caballeros Prometeos situados bajo tierra del planeta y son luego aniquilados despues de que Cortana toma el control de los Prometeos,los Guardianes y otros constructos y unidades roboticas Forerunner,amenazando con eliminar a todos los que no se sometan
Guest chapter 3 . 7/19
Es bakano y muy interesante, pero sería mucho mejor si en vez de liderar solamente a las Espadas de Sanghelios,un mero, pequeñísimo remanente del Covenant, fuera Thel vadamee el líder y comandante supremo absoluto del Covenant,ya sea tal y como antes de la Guerra Humano-Covenant o en las fases intermedias más periféricas de este vasto conflicto.

Es decir, contando con todos los recursos, todas las instalaciones, vehículos, fuerzas,la capital y criaturas del Covenant,en vez de solo causar la fragmentación del vasto imperio Covenant
Sh4dowSt4lker chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
I found recently this fic. It's looking really good, and I hope you continue it.
Also, welcome back!
A Revanchist chapter 7 . 12/19/2019
Glad to have you back! I'd enjoy it if you continued work on this fic. The idea of the Arbiter being the one to stumble across Remnant is not one often explored.
010101010101011 chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
This story should continue
Utruk Doomhammer chapter 7 . 12/19/2019
This one! Or Shattered Past! Pretty please
MidKnightMoonglow99 chapter 7 . 12/19/2019
What themes do you like? I mean we wouldn’t want to ask for something you’re not comfortable with.
LONE RANGER 97 chapter 3 . 3/21/2018
You're doing awesome so far :-)
Alpha701 chapter 6 . 2/1/2017
Damn. That's a shame. I was rather looking forward into this story. And considering that this story is actually the ony one that only includes the Arbiter besides one other that actually exist, it's unique in its own way.
Kamzil118 chapter 1 . 12/16/2016
This first piece you got here was quite engaging. I expected some sort of issue with the Grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but you have proved otherwise. Excellent work, I will be looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/16/2016
Rewrite the whole story with Jaune as JNPR leader it is a cannon fact you can't change ceratin cannon facts unless it is AU
Guest guy chapter 5 . 9/22/2016
I'd say pyrrha. why? well if it wasn't for her jaune wouldn't be leading at all. I always saw that pyrrha deserved it. jaune didn't do much against the deathstalker in volume 1 all he said is "pyrrha" and pyrrha already knew what to do. he didn't say "pyrrha throw the shield on the stinger". it would also help pyrrha to become more social than she is. it would also develop jaune making his conflict with himself much more interesting than it was in volume 1.
Guest guy chapter 5 . 9/21/2016
I'd say pyrrha. why? well if it wasn't for her jaune wouldn't be leading at all. I always saw that pyrrha deserved it. jaune didn't do much against the deathstalker in volume 1 all he said is "pyrrha" and already knew what to do which is throwing the shield. he didn't say "pyrrha throw the shield to hit the stinger". it would also help pyrrha to become more social than she is. to be honest pyrrha showed way more leadership than jaune ever did. she told what aura is she knew about the stinger before jaune telling her.
the Tormentor chapter 5 . 9/16/2016
If you want to have inspiration again, just either watch more RWBY or play some more Halo, whichever game you prefer. It'll fuel your desire. It worked for me.
Bravo Tango chapter 5 . 9/15/2016
It's no worries and take your time. Good luck and move forward.
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