Reviews for The Holy Man of The Church Creek
Solitary Heart chapter 27 . 7/25
This is my 35th time re reading this and it still brings me a brief moment of heart-rending pain still this is a very beautiful story so once again thank you
fanreader18 chapter 58 . 7/22
Hoooooly fucking shit. This is getting INTERESTING! Looking forward to seeing how the battle goes! Hopefully with the forces of Humanity, Fallen, Demon, and Angelic being victorious! See ya next chapter!
Silverscale chapter 58 . 7/14
I recommend you all listen to Escape the Fate's I Am Human while reading the chapters from when God summons the heroes of humanity. Just listen to it while reading each chapter, over and over, and you will find yourself touched by this chapter. That song is gold, and this story is gold. Combined. They are Platinum.
Kayen1024 chapter 58 . 7/13
Great chapter, I am curious where Griselda and Ayakoji met all the world's evils and how Shirou summoned Saber. Last I checked Rin had the command seals for Saber, if Saber was Shirou's servant again, then her command seals from the Holy grail war would have gone to Shirou. Rin would then have gotten a new set of command seals for Iskandar.
ssj3gohan007 chapter 58 . 7/11
Another brilliant installment! Great job! Well done! I am dying to know what happens next! :D I have to ask, though, where is Gilgamesh during all this? It seems that every other heroic spirit was mentioned except him. Did he alone decide to sit this one out because he felt it wasn't worthy of him or something?
Guest chapter 58 . 7/11
Will Adelina meet Sasaki Kojirou?
marcon chapter 26 . 7/10
Wow, great chapter and an even better ending.

While I was sceptical at first I have to admit that your story caught my interest. Also it's quite well written, so I am looking forward to read more of it.
firestarter1188 chapter 11 . 7/9
I forgot how weak this is in The first 20. Chapters so many stupid cliches. And the scene bouncing sucks especially with the time Kong has it been 1 month 3 month 1 year who the fuck knows
Rodenmar chapter 58 . 7/9
I really don't get why people keep insisting that Arthuria is this perfect being when she is no more perfect than the real King Arthur of legend. The May Day incident is enough proof of this.

Proto-Arthur atleast have a personality that makes him believable, When Arthuria is just a stiff cardboard box that everyone falls in love with. At least other incarnations of Saber were interesting with distinct characteristics.

Saber Nero is a cheerful and boastful girl that is not shy about expressing herself. Admits that she was the cause of her kingdom's downfall while not regretting her rule.

Saber Mordred is a wounded kid in a (relatively) adult body that loves and hate the one person she respected the most. Confused of how she should feel about the 'father' that rejected her while still deep down wanting to be acknowledged.

Saber Lily is a version that reveals her true self while she was still alive. A genuine 'what happens if King Arthur was a girl' and not a retroactive attempt of Typemoon trying to justify King Arthur is a chick in their altered cannon from what they originally attempted.

Saber Alter is the Arthuria that went the deep end. An antagonistic take of a known legend while still being true to Typemoon lore.

Basic Athuria is boring. Her most notable feature is her gluttonous appetite for food. Excalibur is one of the strongest weapon in fate. But if all it can do is Excali-blast, then it's going to be stale very quick.

Not once did I think she was charismatic, past interaction with other servants was heavily influenced by her legend that paints her more interesting than she really is.

If having a stern pretty face and monotone line delivery is enough to earn you an A rank charisma. Then most female servant probably have S-rank charisma by merit of sheer physical appearances.
KitCat0922 chapter 14 . 7/8
This is getting more and more ridiculous. Jesus kun have reincarnated in the body of emiya shirou wot is happening why hao i kant
Flamingp0tat0 chapter 58 . 7/8
All the heroes coming back to fight was pretty amazing not gonna lie. Great job on the last few chapters.
Flamingp0tat0 chapter 55 . 7/8
Huh.. I guess I was wrong. You didn't do an unnecessary arc in the fate world. Thank you.
Flamingp0tat0 chapter 52 . 7/8
I sincerely hope you will have an explanation on how ayakoji went through the underworld, avoiding all the chaos and detection because even though the demons could sense rizevim they couldn't sense ayakoji. They should have sensed him when he went through the dimensional tear unless he didn't use the one shirou and rizevim used. But god and manyu didn't sense him? Even though shirou was doing most of the work against rizevim? And why did it send shirou back? Because he doesn't belong in dxd world? Well the grail doesn't either. So will it come back with shirou as well?

Tbh this just seems way too forced to just dramatize the story unnecessarily. Let me guess there's gonna be an arc in the fate world where shirou will again help people with no regards to consequences of his actions, then he'll recruit some help, have a load of drama and come back to save the day at the last moment. I'm already dreading reading this arc because right now my mind is screaming at me that all this was unnecessarya and very forced.

This is perhaps what frustrates me most in your stories. Your penchant for overly dramatizing every little thing and always trying to make everything seem so epic. I realize that most anime tend to do it but its different from watching an epic scene and reading it. I cringe reading the cell games saga in dbz but when I watch it I'm all hyped up. With your story I'm sometimes feel like yelling to just get it over with instead of making every little thing seem as epic as possible.
Dat-boi-waddup chapter 58 . 7/7
Yo waddup
ShinyKyu chapter 4 . 7/7
Just one thing: pure tree sap has a TINY amount of sugar. 95-99% of it is just water, which you have to boil out to make anything resembling syrup. This is why it takes gallons of tree sap to make a single bottle of maple syrup. Adding a tiny amount of tree sap probably has as much of an effect as a single grain of sugar.
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