Reviews for Orcbrat
Raksha The Demon chapter 35 . 1/15
Good to see this story being updated! Please continue to post new chapters; I want more of Maevyn and Leni.
FaeBreeze chapter 35 . 12/9/2019
This story is really, really good. Grim and fucked up. But good. I hope Maevyn can get free. Or something. I mean this is already pretty hefty and it isn't really clear whether this story is leading anywhere or not. I was hope for Maevyn growing up and doing some revenging but with the pacing that's not looking likely. So maybe just escape? I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned.
Re-reading chapter 21 . 3/30/2019
Hi! Re-reading to catch up and refresh and noticed the egges/eggs debate which I love that you included. Can't wait to get back on track!
Ace Trainer Ritchie chapter 34 . 3/24/2019
Fandom blind! From the WA review game. Fair warning I'm just going to follow the shorter review's format since it was really hard to find faults in this? But let's try!

As this was the beginning of a random chapter (to me), the opening didn't really grab my attention. But it doesn't mean this was a bad opening - on the contrary, it set up what we needed to know and was easy to follow - but it just wasn't eye catching. It was Maevyn getting lost in the woods and asking how long it would be 'till the middle of the forest and getting really weird answers. But it was good, just feel like it's something a little context for readers jumping in after not reading the story for a bit could help. Because the entire time, I didn't know /why/ Maevyn was going deeper in the forest, and while I don't know your update schedule, I feel like some other readers might have had to check the last chapter for the reasoning.

Hey, can I just say? This flowed really naturally and made me /love/ craban? I love the snark and I love how you included some potential dialogue? Like, its so natural that you would think, huh, this character might say something like that, and then you included it. Made the character feel more real to me.

I know there were only two, but aside from the craban, I have to say Maevyn read a little generic to me? Like she's there to serve some purpose, but other than that, she has little to no character? Like, she's acting normally for her situation, but I can't read much character from her. If this is her character in canon I'm sorry for talking about it, but it just feels odd /especially/ next to the snark of the craban that I so love.

Perfect for the situation. It was easy to get lost in, something I was lamenting before because I kept on losing my place, but then I realized. They're lost (well. Maevyn is) in a forest, what better writing style is a style one can easily get lost in? I do feel like you could break up some things, but for this chapter I feel like the writing works well.

Like I said for the opening, I idea what's going on. I don't know Maevyn's goal so its hard to relate to her crying when she gets stuck in the forest. Just little things like reminding us what's going on would've worked in this chapter's favor, because while it can stand on its own (which I applaud you for), it's missing that little thing just to be considered something that anyone can pick up and read without getting confused. Which is a shame because your writing is gorgeous. So maybe, for future reference, include a little bit of context?

She cries, and that's kinda it? But it also helps to the stand alone feeling this chapter has. So I'm not entirely sure if that's a fault? It's just an uneventful ending but the events prior does make you want to read on, so I'm not 100% sure how to comment on this.

I'm going to admit, I couldn't really follow. Yes the writing was gorgeous, but with what I mentioned before it was just hard to follow. So I guess I enjoyed the technical aspect?

I realized you reverted a lot to "she" when Maevyn is alone, which is fine, but it creates a whole lot of she's which could've been avoided had you added her name ever so often. But it was still readable without it, so its up to you.

Either way, I'm glad I got a chance to read this, helped me with some technical things with my own writing and really? I truly did enjoy the craban's character! Thank you so much for writing this!
Elmatpe chapter 35 . 2/5/2019
Just read both chapter 34 and 35 so I’ll review them both.

I really enjoyed the conversations with the craban! I think it’s great that Maevyn realized it was pointless to keep asking questions since the bird would have avoided responding in its particular manner. I also absolutely love the inclusion of the Púkel-men, that was indeed unexpected, but you know I love the horror genre so the creepy turn in the chapter once Maevyn is trapped within the circle with whatever is guarding it was awesome for me. Although the build-up to it was wonderful too: the suspicious intentions of the craban while being aware that the trees are a real threat.

Back with the rest, I think I was enjoying how Grushak was dealing with Mushog and Kurbag more than I probably should. As much as I've always loved Mushog’s cocky personality, he kinda deserved getting a good beating for once, at least so he sees that his actions have consequences. It was kinda sweet that Nazluk tried to warn Kurbag and I’m very glad that he finally listened, although that was more thanks to Leni’s pleas. And thank goodness he did! As horrifying as the situation could’ve been, from an orkish point-of-view, it makes sense that Grushak would do ‘something’ to Leni after Kurbag messed with Maevyn (an eye for an eye, and all that). Thankfully, Grushak is a pragmatic orc and beating Kurbag is just as acceptable, and, moreover, I think preferable for all of us readers. I recall that whether Kurbag and Mushog would’ve been able to win in a fight against Grushak had also been mentioned in previous chapters, so it is nice to see the actual outcome.

Seeing Rukshash notice he was somewhat growing fond of Maevyn was sweet! And I also loved that reference to Treed when Shrah’rar was annoyed that no one waits until the rest can see. But the best part is, of course, finally seeing Leni summon up the courage to rescue Maevyn herself even if it could spell doom for her (from her captors or the forest itself).
Whack-the-beetle chapter 35 . 2/4/2019
„Gorthaur‘s balls“ lol!
The way you portray the orcs is just brilliant - you really do a good job there, everything seems very realistic, their actions, their speech and their customs.
I just realized that I haven‘t really left a review for this - so just let me say that I greatly enjoy this story.
sarista wow chapter 35 . 2/4/2019
I just really love that opening, very nice communication of some very neat ideas!

A beautiful opening for Eleluleniel, honestly it is extra painful reading all of this knowing how her life has turned out, remembering her baby years, her childhood and then the never ending drudgery laiden nightmare her life has become is just heartbreaking. Regardless, you do an excellent job painting a vivid picture of her life, her youth, family and world view, I adore the way she speaks with the trees and her view on the Undying Lands is so fitting for one seemingly so young. The general way you have the trees talk, their message, just wow, kudos! Great world building on the differing reactions of the trees, how Eleluleniel can communicate with or at least sense some, but that their disposition can be so different across the board. Go Eleluleniel, escape forever!

I love the orc scene, just, all of it, the descriptions, the framing the building tension Grushak was helping create and so clearly both enjoying but resenting because Mushog just kept lying to him and then him basically working Mushog into an utter state of self inflicted lies before delivering the orcish equivalent of "Stop lying to me" via punching. Just an awesome scene!

I like the sense of camaraderie and friction in the ensuing scene, it feels very natural and lived in, plus I like the use of terms like pig modesty and the tony of that exchange, kudos!

Dang, super intense escalating exchange there with a real sense of threat, great stuff there, it is interesting to see them play off one another in such tense circumstances.

Dang! Grushak does not mess around! Honestly I am torn between being horrified by him given what he planned to do to Eleluleniel and fist pumping at him so casually taking down Kurbag and otherwise being so, well, how do I phrase this? Witty? I like the way he talks basically. Also Eleluleniel using this as a chance to escape is genius!

Bragdagash and Girshak's chat and the lead in to it was extremely well done, I love this overt yet due to the terms and manner still layered conversation between the two and his general attitude on the situation!

Yes! Go Eleluleniel you brilliant fount of willpower and strength, go! Seriously great work, the played up injury, pushing through the pain, the eggs and trees and her line about being able to walk forever just wow, fantastic set up and lead off to book end the chapter with, fantastic work as always! Also neat reference for what inspired your tree stuff.
Guest chapter 35 . 2/3/2019
The first part with Leni and the trees was just so beautifully written. I can't get enough of what you write, it's just so captivating and fluid, and honestly I can't get enough of the gang either. They're so fun to read about. A right bunch of bastards, but god do I love them. Thank you for the new chapter! Made my day to read it!
D4rK Sid3 chapter 35 . 2/3/2019
The situation has now worsened for the Orc crew...and it is quite unsettled that Eleluleniel ios being used as a bargaining chip like something akin to an object, though it does makes me wonder where Kurbag would stand, if he managed to not keep the end of his forceful bargin. Would he go into the forest after the elf when it was discovered that she was gone?

Most definitely I hope you update very soon.

Whack-the-beetle chapter 34 . 1/31/2019
Very mysterious- can‘t wait for the bext chapter.
Gladoo89 chapter 34 . 1/31/2019
Oooh, that was so creepy and nice!
I don't understand what is prisoner of the cairn, an old burnt Ent? But it seems it has some nefarious intent and Ents are peaceful (unless provoked for years)...
D4rK Sid3 chapter 34 . 1/26/2019
It seemed that my suspicions were just right about those trickster of a bird. The ending was very interesting. I wonder how Maevyn can get out of this one...

Krissy001 chapter 34 . 1/26/2019
Wow! An excellent new chapter! Please don't wait too long with the next one, I really want to know if/how Maevyn gets out of this one. I have no idea what the burnt monster is, maybe a wight?
sarista wow chapter 34 . 1/25/2019
You're off to a great start, there's a sense of in media res and continuation but you show the passage of time, how Maevyn is feeling about it and exposit the situation very effectively! I also love that Maevyn's has learned enough about her companion that she can predict how the entire conversation will go XD And oooh neat, interesting to see one of the teethy birds to be put off by something, the descriptions for its size and movement were epic, kudos! Also huh, yeah, I guess a human or similar creatures ears would be inside out to a bird wouldn't they?

Interesting to see some walls lowering between them, though trust is hard, and I loved the descriptions and scene setting for the trees my gosh! And neat details with the forest! Also poor Maevyn, her first mysterious answer and it is so sad :(

Brilliant descriptions and scene setting and I love her not wanting to leave any of herself in the forest, such a powerful turn of phrase and poor Leni, that flashback was great, glad to see she is still in Maevyn's thoughts.

Woah, the Pukel Men were brilliantly, vividly described as was Maevyn's fear, her clever inquisitive nature as she tried to work her way around the problem while keeping in mind she is very young with the 'ow' scene. Dang what a bad companion the Caraban is! I guess we should have seen this coming though. Great lead out to the scene!

That final scene was a roller coaster ride, starting slow, melancholic but resigned to reality, with great descriptions and a sense of not knowing that fits so well. Then moving on to curios mystery solving and reflection then utter overwhelming terror and dread as something incredibly imposing is sensed and shown but is somehow too much to take in and then a calm surprise ending, just wow, that was amazing and I am so curious to see more!
Nicovi chapter 34 . 1/25/2019
Oh dear god, I love the craban's banter!
And how you wrote his pride in his knowledge really made him come alive.

Looking forward to see how(if) she gets out, and if she lets out some horror as a result.
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