Reviews for Nothing Is True (Save For The Blood We've Shed) OLD VERSION
JMH23 chapter 24 . 7/19
Absolutely in love with this story! I'm sad you're not updating anymore, but I'm just so thankful you wrote this in the first place! Thank you!
Poseidon3000 chapter 24 . 8/10/2019
good fic
kelton89 chapter 24 . 4/3/2019
Please update, this fanfic is awesome! I've read it non stop 6 hours ago!
Akira Kisho chapter 24 . 9/28/2018
lovely fic mate! It's interesting and i can't wait for more
linx007 chapter 24 . 9/22/2018
Hey an update is an update so I (and I'm sure many others as well) will happily take what you can give when you can give it. So glad to see things moving apace with the removal of most of the Ark threats and can't wait to watch Nia get whats coming to her on top of the mix of hilarity and horror that is incredibly dangerous women dealing with pregnancy hormones as I'm sure I will laugh and cringe in equal measure. Sorry the review took so long and great work!
Msboom13 chapter 23 . 9/4/2018
Wonderful story
KickassRikudouSenninNaruto chapter 23 . 3/7/2018
Finally, after so long! Welcome back and thank you for such an amazing chapter! :D
Guest chapter 23 . 1/16/2018
Guest chapter 23 . 1/15/2018
Love this so far
Timelord2162 chapter 23 . 1/2/2018
And that's cold dude. You don't even give her a warrior's death. You just had her shot through the heart. Damn.
DiaZeroGear chapter 23 . 12/27/2017
Cant wait for the next chapter
CaesarKrest chapter 23 . 12/15/2017
Didn't Think the chapter was that bad. Waiting for the next update.
Would like to ask a few questions though.

Will Finn be kept around or will he die/dissapear? i know you don't like him and neither do i but waht is your long trem goal for him? die by a thousand cuts after trying to rape one of Clarkes girls, or death in battle against Clarke after accidentally stumbling opon a piece of eden like the sword of mars? Would seriousl like to know if youre willing to share.

What happend to everything inside MT Whether? is it all still there or has most of it been moved to Avalon, you said in a previous chapter that everything inside the mountain was burnt, but would Clarke really let that happen? there was so many historical objects in there not to mention weapons that burning it all to ashes seems out of character for Clarke or her girls, since they should all be able to see that MT Whether is a valuable resource in terms of getting the population used to old world things. Or was what Octavia said to Sydney just a lie to make her forget plans concerning the mountain?

Will the story venture beyond the USA and south canada (if my geography and memory isn't all f-up some of the north azgeda territory is in south Canada), like out to California or Nevada *Cough* Las Vegas *Cough* or maybe even Mexico Canada/Alaska. I can see that such things would have to wait long after the Ark is down and things settle but will it happen?

Is there going to be a Templar precence after Jaha or does it end for a while after him? There has to be more out there, its impossible that only 2 (Cage and Jaha) survived the bombs and kept the Templar mindset, if there is maybe Jaha will seek them out, like his quest for the City of Light in canon but now he serches for other Templars?

Although it is years down the line (about 7 years and 3 months if my math is right) will the Mining colony make a scene? So far we only have a slight tease of their ship and confirmed castings but they so seem like tough folk from their descriptions.

And speaking of long future events, PraimFiya or whatever its called, will it happen? not much more to that question, but logic stands that it will happen if it havent happend already, by that i mean that most if not all Nuclear reactors and the like blew up along with the bombs in The War, but if they didn't are you planing on including PriemFiya.

Last question, how big is Clarkes penis? it's been driving me nuts not knowing, at first i thought "probably slightly longer than average like 6 or maybe 7 inches" but then when Octavia started freaking out about Raven, Raven said that Clarke has a "giant fucking cock". And i don't know about you but i would class anything over 8 inches as giant (huge meaning fat aswell as long) with 6-7 meaning big and 4-5 being average and anything under 3 being under average. so in short how big is Clarkes phallus? length and girth if you please, i am one of those kind of people who get cought up in things like that.

Thank you for reading and i hope you reply to my questions either through PM or in the next chapter.
Shadowkragg chapter 23 . 12/1/2017
Thoroughly enjoyed this story. So far you seem to have kept the changes plausible for the setting and made sure that there is no absolute curbstomp which keeps things interesting. I've really enjoyed the world building aspects you've introduced so far. Can't wait to see where this unique concept goes!
Keep up the great work, looking forward to the next chapter.
Alexis99 chapter 23 . 11/16/2017
Sorry to tired from work to login but never to tired to read this lol. Love this story n can't wait for next chap!
Biblio388 chapter 23 . 11/11/2017
A solid enough chapter. Good transition to the actual fighting and probably more accurate than a drawn our fight when one sides already knows the other plans betrayal.
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