Reviews for Whatever It Is
Golden Eye chapter 3 . 10/30/2017
Are you going to update? This is literally the only F!Cross X H.B. fanfiction that exists and I really love this story and I really want to see their friendship progress and possibly more. H.B. is the kind of guy you don't like at first but once you learn more about he's an interesting character. I really hope you will continue.
VioletPetals chapter 3 . 2/5/2017
I know that it has been a long time but can you continue this story please?
Avatar of Wurms chapter 3 . 4/8/2016
H.B. and the Manon? This shall be perfect!
Avatar of Wurms chapter 2 . 4/8/2016
The in-battle quotes felt kind of poorly worked in, thought the post battle one was good.

Hahahahahaha. They forgot Lin and Tatsu.
Avatar of Wurms chapter 1 . 4/8/2016
H.B.! Fantastic!
NullNoMore chapter 3 . 4/8/2016
"Desperate for validation" - bless you for that, I've never heard it described better, made me laugh. I've never thought of H.B. as lonely, but it fits really well. I love that you are making XCX deeper.
NullNoMore chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
I enjoyed this chapter too! I liked the way you described the world, especially things that don't come through the game (humidity! the feel of the acid pools!) The fight was very exciting and I was actually able to follow what was going on even though it got exciting. And the developing friendship between Cross & H.B. feels real, made up of little observations and actions.

I think that the role of Elma in the second half of the chapter actually would suit Irina much better. The voice is too quick, too in your face (so Irina, right?). Elma wouldn't yell. And she would never forget Lin (Tatsu, maybe, I will grant you that), but Irina might just do that. Shooting H.B.? Well, yes, okay, more than okay, that was lovely (sliding slinger, perfect). I'm looking forward to Oblivia.
NullNoMore chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
Oh! The ending! Yes! I was smiling a couple times before, and I really liked how Lin and Cross get along, it feels right that they are forming a bond as junior team members. Thank you for the Gwin/Irina fluff, too. And for the NLA setting, love the sense of confusion at the overwhelming list of weapons/armor.
But the ending! It was slipped in so perfectly, I didn't even see it coming (and I should have, you had the scene set up exactly right for it to land right there). Go get 'em! Make Hector cry!