Reviews for Latchkey Hero
David chapter 73 . 9/30/2019

I have just been playing Dying Light and wondered if anyone had written any fanfic around it. Low and behold coming across your story... which was GREAT! I know from some experience how hard writing can be, especially when it lasts years, but thankyou for keeping it up and getting to a conclusion. It was worth it. So many fanfic fail to be completed, and you literally finished three stories in this single one. Adding OC's to a world that already exists is tricky, but you handled it very well, made Zofia a person, made Crane a more believable person too, extended the story, enbiggened the psychological aspects of how people were dealing with the events.

Thanks for a great read.

Slayer76 chapter 9 . 8/30/2019
Now I can't help but imagine Crane running from a horde of the undead while screaming like a little girl, not realizing that his screams are making the horde grow bigger.
Slayer76 chapter 8 . 8/30/2019
"A hungry stomach was a hungry stomach and didn't care what you stuffed into it. " I disagree, hand me chicken or pork chops when I'm starving and my stomach will choose starvation.

And now they've entered that extremely awkward phase where everything will sound like an accidental innuendo. This will be funny.
Slayer76 chapter 7 . 8/30/2019
You know, this is the only fanfic I've read that I could walk away from for longer than a week and still remember everything about it.

You're really great at telling this story in a way that's easy to understand, but you aren't spoon feeding us all their character traits.
To sum it up: you're good at 'show don't tell'
Slayer76 chapter 6 . 7/30/2019
I like to imagine that one of Crane's ideas included Spartan kicking her off a roof. Then he shot that idea down because Lena would castrate him as soon as it's revealed that Zofia died on the mission with him.
Slayer76 chapter 5 . 7/30/2019
"Kyle shook his head. Shape up, man. Embrace the suck and get the job done."
Sounds like a man who went into prostitution as a last resort.

And now I wanna kill rais.

I'd punch Rahim for eating the food too. It doesn't matter that crane doesn't feel like he wants to eat. There are food-taking rules and Rahim just broke rule #1 and 2
Slayer76 chapter 4 . 7/27/2019
"You should be sprawled out on your couch now, stuffing tinned pineapple into your mouth."
I feel so called out right now.
"Yes. Ask how the woman whose friend you got killed is doing. That'll help"
I mean, crane fired the gun. This is more his fault than yours.

I wasn't expecting any of what just happened.
Slayer76 chapter 3 . 7/27/2019
"Zofia, despite her frequent visits, had never cared enough to get to know them"
That's how you miss out on discounts and special privileges.

Zofia is feeling guilt, that's always fun to read.

And The future couple has met, I wonder how long it takes for them to get together.

"A frustrated groan bubbled up her throat. Why'd he have to be so polite? "
Because he has to end up with you eventually. Taff said so.

"Now. Now we go get that Antizin back, that is what."
Yeah, go follow your future partner. We need you to interact more.

Great job Taff
Slayer76 chapter 2 . 7/25/2019
"Though as it turned out, carpenter bottoms made for excellent apocalyptical wear."
...Good to know. I might have to keep mine for a little while longer now.

Child zombies, easy to kill. But hard to forget at night.

I wonder how fast the coolant would kill them. I'd Google it, but I don't want to potentially land on another watch list. "Potential terrorist/revolutionist" is fine for now.
Slayer76 chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
"Good weather this time of year, scenery nice, but locals very clingy. With their teeth."
Aaaaand that's the deal breaker, I draw the line at locals that bite. 0/10 never visit.

"It made for a lovely view too, and these days that was about the only redeeming quality left to Harran."
There's no redeeming qualities in a city where 'death by bite' is more likely than 'death by bullet'

"Rubbish lined the streets, gathered in piles where the wind collected it. Scraps of plastic, paper and rotting food"
Taff, stop describing my city

Overall, it was a really great chapter. I already feel more immersed than I did when I played the game for the first time.
dampish chapter 73 . 6/13/2019
I put off reading this for four days because... well. I wasn't ready to let go of Latchkey. At all. It's been a part of my life for the past two years - a constant that I didn't want to become just another memory. Sorry for the dramatics, but I've always had a flare for them - I know you can understand. I hope you know that you've inspired me, and probably dozens of others to create something - whether it be a beginning, or a middle, or the messy beginnings to a beginning that never really got there. I want to thank you. For helping me, whether you know it or not, and for all the replies to the comments that I know you never had to send. I wish you the best in life, Taff, and I can't wait to see more of your work in the future.
Goodbye, Zofia Sirota. I loved every minute of getting to know you.
Xord HirX chapter 73 . 6/12/2019
Amazing. Thank you for such a wonderful story in such a niche fandom
ExoRipper chapter 73 . 6/12/2019
Hey Taff, I just want to drop in and let you know that I did follow Latchkey all the way to the end. It was the best literary adventure I had the luck of being a part of, and I want to thank you for sharing it with us. I'll miss these two idiots so much, and everyone else too honestly. There's something pleasant about seeing a conclusion after almost four years, but there's also that annoying void in one's heart knowing there won't be another chapter in two week's time.

Also: 《Yep. That Theo.》 I'm afraid this NEEDS an explanation xD So like it or not, I guess your work is not done just yet.

All jokes and hopes aside though, thank you again. And sorry for this crappy excuse of a review, but I'm all kinds of emotional right now.
Akrylic chapter 73 . 6/11/2019
Oh my, it's finally done. ;~;. I started reading this story when I learned that Dying Light was getting a sequel and started getting invested in the first game. Now to see that this book has come to an end brings with it a great sense of joy to have read it, but also sadness to see it end. I'm just glad Crane didn't turn to a sentient volatile roaming the sewers. Thanks for writing this _
megan.daisy.9 chapter 73 . 6/11/2019
Correct me if I'm wrong, but do Crane and Zofia have a child named Theo? If so, that's so sweet! :)

What a ride we've had and the Epilogue was a sweet ending. :) Farewell Latchkey, you will be missed. :(

You've done a brilliant job with this series, Taff! *cue round of applause* :)
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