Reviews for Lilly's Sweet Human (Rewriting In Progress)
BosS chapter 18 . 7/19
good chapter
Yeet chapter 18 . 6/1
I love the story
I really do
U need too pay more attention too it
If u do youll get those views and reviews that u so desire
I do hope there is a lemon later ;)
NeonTheUmbreon23 chapter 18 . 4/29
Air force huh? I joined the Marines. In the 3 months that i was gone the story was updated lol
Please keep it up.
Explodable chapter 17 . 3/20
please update this
Explodable chapter 16 . 3/20
bruh don't do that
Boston hoff chapter 18 . 3/13
Really liked this chapter. Great job!
Melwe9 chapter 18 . 3/12
Excellent chapter, very interesting as their relationship between them improves more and more.
keep it up dude
Guest chapter 18 . 3/6
Awesome stuff! Just wanted to say how glad the community is to have you back man. Keep up the good work, and dont let your other stories die plz :).
HanMan99 chapter 18 . 3/8
Great chapter. Well worth the wait. I can't get over how cute both Chris and Lilly are together. I also agree with Chris, I find it so adorable when Lilly gets jealous when the big bad human girls are around. I can't wait for the next chapter!
BadStoriesComeToMe chapter 18 . 3/6
That was a long chapter, I can see why it took so long. This was definitely worth the wait. All the plot points are coming together and its pretty satisfying to see it happen. Keep up the great work, I'm with you all the way. :)
imjustlikehumphery chapter 18 . 3/6
Great chapter rolemodelz, keep it up! It's pretty cool that both Winston and Eve gave Chris permission to share custody with Lilly. It did take some convincin from Winston but Eve eventually agreed and she actually proposed that he'd share custody of their youngest daughter. Now to the feelings both Chris and Lilly have for each other neither have confessed quite yet but I can tell it's not far off based on how they feel about each other. I'm happy to see that with Chris's help that Lilly has most likely conquered her fear of water and learned how to swim thanks to what happened at the lake earlier. Now though thanks to both Kate and Humphrey Chris has been put in quite the predicament with the animal control officer, the same one that went after Lilly nonetheless. Wonder how Chris is gonna diffuse this though? Can't wait for the next chapter!
Abysmal Void chapter 18 . 3/5
Thank you for your service
Guest chapter 17 . 1/5
I love reading this story, I really hope you will upload the next chapter soon :)
BadStoriesComeToMe chapter 17 . 12/17/2019
Great job so far! Keep up the great work. Loving how this plot is turning out.
Guest chapter 17 . 12/15/2019
I really hope you will update soon :)
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