Reviews for Do as I Say (Not as I Do)
TheMasterWizard chapter 3 . 10/17/2017
Every time I think of, read about, or see Cloud, Corrin and Bayonetta together I think of the song 3-way by The Lonely Island.
bladewielder05 chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
I seriously like the interactions of the Salt Trio (or Quartet? I mean, if you include Cory, then it'll be a Quartet. Or foursome in your language). It was also nice to see other Smashers, like Wario and Falco, besides your usual cast. You had me chuckling throughout the whole story, from Corrin's spying on Cloud and Bayonetta going to the brothel to Cloud and Bayonetta's parting with Corrin following close behind. Basically the whole thing. And mostly at Cloud since he's the only Smasher of the Salt Trio that I actually know how to use XD So far it's safe and hilarious, but with your work I know that it's honestly not going to last, especially since the whole conflict takes place in a freakin' brothel. So that's a given. Poor, poor Corrin for what comes next...Really no mistakes as far as I could see. Usual splendid work that I've come to expect from you. Curious and also slightly scared to see what comes next...and curiosity seriously killed the cat here for Corrin.

Leave it to Cloud to see a flower as a nightlight XD At least Bayonetta was able to appreciate her flowers for what they really are. No wonder why Corrin didn't get him any flowers.