Reviews for An Unexpected Life
Guest chapter 4 . 6/29/2016
How do you pronounce Cochise
Guest chapter 4 . 6/19/2016
Please update! Don't leave us hanging :(
sarge1130 chapter 4 . 4/21/2016
I think the social welfare system in OP universe really sucks. Maybe this is due to the limited funds they get from donations or from the government that they forgot to assess the foster parents carefully. They would like to dump the orphans immediately to those people who are willing to take them in. Wow, I never thought that she can use her power like this. It's like the greater emotions she received, she can intensified it more before pushing it back to her enemies. At least she had managed to escape and finally she had a friend. I think for someone like her who loves her independence all along, a dog is a likeable companion. Will wait for the next update :D.
sarge1130 chapter 3 . 4/21/2016
Wow, this is an unusual devil fruit, to be able to feel somebody's emotion within a specified range. Seems like it's a very trick one to handle, a young child can't withstand so many emotions she had felt. Maybe if she can control to pinpoint a certain emotion or blocked it if she needs it to be. I think this type of ability is appropiate in espionage or like. It can be used for eavesdropping too.
sarge1130 chapter 2 . 4/21/2016
Kind of unusual of having reborn but with your memories of past life still remains. I had read some reincarnation like this and since you have no idea if it is true or not, then it will be your choice if you believe or not. I knew it's a devil fruit. An unripe fruit should taste sour or tart but not something like rotten. Wonder what kind of ability will she have.
sarge1130 chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
So i think this is like a reincarnation story. Wonder how this OC turns out.
Superpower Lottery chapter 4 . 4/10/2016
This is so good. Everything so far has been great, but I especially like the final scene with the dog. I could totally picture it as a scene in the manga.
BonjoviGuest chapter 4 . 4/9/2016
This chapter was really good! I like the insight to Miyu's abilities, and Cochise- yes. Dogs are yes. I'm very keen to see where the next few chapters take our protaginast... I like your pacing, and can't wait for the next chapter! Cheers!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/8/2016
You know what'll be cool? Her emotions manifesting into weapons. Take this into consideration, please! I love this girl so much :) I'm just patiently waiting for Law to come.
Terikel chapter 4 . 4/8/2016
You're really not making life easy for your poor OC, are you? One place worse than the next.
The bully with the squawking like a duck that had caught pneumonia, brilliant. xD
The discovery of a new ability! I like!
I also love the hopeful tone of the ending with a new, cute companion. Finally something good happening to her. :)
Really looking forward to more, love your writing. :)
PuddyKatz chapter 4 . 4/8/2016
Guest chapter 3 . 4/6/2016
good chapter. can't wait for more!
BonJoviGuest chapter 3 . 3/26/2016
I'm so hyped for this story! At first I was a bit like "Emotions? Hmmm..." But you seem to have a plan on how she can manipulate these powers. I also love how you explained the reason why Miyu didn't notice this sooner. Of course she would be in denial - You've definitely thought out all the important details of the plot. I also like how you employed empathy between the matron and Miyu. It adds so much depth to characters - you can't believe how happy I am that you didn't just make the matron a one dimensional "I hate children" character. Even if you don't say what has made her this bitter, knowing that there's a reason behind it makes it seem so much more real.
Can't wait for the next chapter! And I'm very plased to know that I have influenced your way of mentally naming the parents. (Bonjovi fist pump)
Superpower Lottery chapter 3 . 3/28/2016
I'm... pretty sure that the devil fruit thing only happens in salt water? Could have sworn Oda said that once.
Never mind that, though. I love this story!
Terikel chapter 3 . 3/27/2016
Love the Devil Fruit. Alone the ability (and burden) to read emotions has so much potential that I'm giddy to read more, not even considering what else you might plan for her. This is seriously awesome. And disturbing for poor Miyu. Which I like, because characters shouldn't have it easy, muahahaha. Ehm. Really looking forward to how this develops. :)
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