Reviews for Zootopia: Breaking Bellwether
Shian1998 chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
Excellent Zootopia fanfic! Really enjoyed it! Loved the movie, particularly due to how instead of everyone's morals being black and white, like real life it showed how everyone is complicated, and that all the characters were to varying extents both victims and perpetrators of prejudice.

Loved how this fanfic followed up on that, and showed a more sympathetic side towards the villain. Glad Judy went to see her in this, and got Bellwether to let everything out, tell her side of things, and face the reality of what she did. Felt bad for her when she explained how she'd been bullied and how it eventually twisted her, as well as when the enormity and horror of what she did and nearly did finally hit her, and glad she was truly remorseful for her crimes. Loved when she sincerely apologised and thanked Judy for stopping her from getting any worse, and when Judy comforted her after she broke down. Happy that she seemed to be in a better mental state by the end, and that Judy was able to allow herself to forgive her.

Also enjoyed the fluffy moments between Judy and Nick at the beginning. Love their relationship, and glad they were able to help each other in the film. Loved the way they discussed Judy going to see Bellwether, and even though Nick couldn't forgive Bellwether himself and didn't think she should be trusted (and I don't blame him, after what she tried to make him do), I'm happy that he was supportive of Judy doing what she needed to do.

Great job with this story! :)
Jack Kellar chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
"The truth, Dawn, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you are not: a winner."

Judy was one thing. It would be delightful to read Nick visiting this ewe.
BCRE8TVE chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
Amazingly powerful story.

I still can't believe how incredible it is that one movie could have created such a breadth of different stories, all talking about so many different subjects, and talking about all of them so well. Definitely faved!
FortressMaximus chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
Excellent story. An in-depth look into the mind of a person pushed too far-Bellweather was a lot more complicated than anyone gave her credit for. For your first story this is a solid success-can't wait to see what you do in the future!
Greensword101 chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
I saw the movie recently thanks to a friend and didn't think it was as incredible as Inside Out at first, but then I started looking back and even went to TV Tropes to look at it some more. And I thought the movie was pretty good, even if the Nighthowler revelation was a little too cliche to my liking. The message was executed well, though, especially in these times.

Then I saw a link to your story (congrats, by the way) and decided to check it out and see what it was all about. I admit, based on the information I gathered on the voice actors for Hopps and Wilde, I see their relationship more one-sided romance/platonic. But I'm fine with the shipping, I mean, anything is possible with those two.

I was expecting something like Bellwether being a little psychotic, unfortunately, when I read the outline on TV Tropes. This was something I found to be well-written and stayed in character with everyone and everything in regards to names and action without using coarse language, aside from the mention of the prison types.

Bellwether was basically what Judy would have become if she just gave in. They're reflections of one another and I was waiting for the moment where Judy would end the story with "I forgive you" but found this much more satisfying. Bellwether acknowledges that she needs help and accepted Judy's kindness. I almost cried once or twice, I could hear her saying that.

There is hope for her and I'm happy. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to write this, I want to write characters as properly as you do (I can write, but I don't feel like its really clever yet.) :)
Mister Cuddlesworth chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
An excellent take on Bellwether's character, which I believe I'll incorporate into my official headcanon. So many stories have her as this mustache-twirling creature of pure evil with no motivation other than hating predators, whereas this gives her a plausible backstory, a believable look into her mind, and a wonderful almost-redemption, along with a beautiful reconciliation with Judy.
Jack Inqu chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
Very well done. A disturbingly plausible explanation for everything Bellwether did, said, and thought. I don't know if you feel the same way, but it seems like Disney is getting better with making its villains more three dimensional, rather than just being evil for evil's sake. As much as I like Maleficent, she was a pretty flat character in the Disney movie.

Anyway, fantastic job on the characterization of Bellwether.

Take care, good luck, and I look forward to your next update.
Anthony W chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
I love how Bellwether redeemed herself.
sunny.raindrop chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
The beginning was a little iffy, but it was all very interesting.
the Cat's Shadow chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
Thank you for sharing this with us-I really enjoyed it! It was a nice look into the criminal mind of someone who had been bullied becoming a bully. And it really helps humanize...uh, mammalize Bellwether. I particularly applaud the creators of Zootopia for keeping this world from being as black and white as many of Disney's previous animated films and your story compliments that notion quite well with more depth and insight that fits right in. Glad you showed Judy striving for forgiveness and understanding-it really holds true to her character and holds true to the message of the movie.

Cats's Shadow chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
Thank you for sharing this-very well done! It was an interesting look at the criminal mind of someone who had been bullied and then turned into a bully. I particularly like how the creators of Zootopia made this world much less black and white than many of Disney's previous animated films and your story fed right into that by humanizing (mammalizing?) Bellwether. I also like how you emphasized Judy's preference for understanding and forgiveness which fits quite well with her character. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more from you later!

ThePeacer chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
I liked the movie despite myself, but there were quite a few things I hated about it. Most of them ideological (I had, unfortunately, been expecting a kids movie), but one particularly annoying factor purely plot based: villain-ex-machina. After having done such a fantastic job of character development for the leads, the film disappointed me with a complete curve-ball of an antagonist.

This short-story did a phenomenal job at fixing that pet-peeve. I honestly think it's one of the best villain backstories I've ever heard, official or not. And as an added bonus, it's formatted excellently. Keep up the good work!
Raeleon chapter 1 . 5/30/2016
This was fantastic. I've read it a couple of times, and I came back to it again today to see if you'd published again. I hope to see something from you soon!
Chaos-Wolfy chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
Soulfire72 chapter 1 . 5/9/2016
A great closure for Bellwether and her arc during the movie. Enemies can be insane, but they can still have feelings and genuine like people. Great job on characterising Bellwether here.
And WildeHopps fluff is always nice.
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