Reviews for Junior G-Man
Supervisory.Special.Agent.05 chapter 6 . 4/14
This was SUCH an amazing story! I absolutely LOVED it!
bethb1973 chapter 7 . 4/7
Another great story! I have mostly read the Harry Potter fanfic but I have found myself reading a couple cross overs from different authors and I am reading all of your finished stories. I am impatiently waiting for an update on a couple of yours as well. LOL...I admit I am terribly impatient and it has been a challenge not to email and nag you for the next installments.
I want to thank you for sharing your wonderful muse and talent.

Stormyskies89 chapter 7 . 11/15/2018
I've only just found this fic and I loved it. I also applaud you for reporting that person for reposting someone else's story. I always make sure if I read a fic and it gives me even an idea I tell the author that their fic gave me an idea so they know about it and they can't find it and think I'm stealing their story.

Again, I love this fic and I can't wait to read more from you!
SakuraKoi chapter 7 . 9/16/2016
I love this story.
Village-Mystic chapter 7 . 9/10/2016
Having this as a last chapter is sort of horse after it has left the barn. I would recommend you re-upload the first chapter or add this to each chapter.
Village-Mystic chapter 6 . 9/10/2016
Glad to see them have a happy ending. And yes TG was even sexier when he was playing Greg.
Village-Mystic chapter 5 . 9/9/2016
While I understand why Reid couldn't be a field agent until he was "21" - I'm not sure why being "18" - or 2 years and 5 months wasn't old enough for him to get back into a physical relationship and partnership with Aaron. Also, since he was 29 or season 4/season 5 when he was de-aged - and in the show Rossi didn't retire again, I'm curious why you decided to have Rossi retire, rather than not just have visits with Reid on down-time.
Village-Mystic chapter 4 . 9/9/2016
Stylistically the scene change when he's talking with "Bob" didn't have a good transition, but overall the style is pretty good in the story - and I'm glad that Spencer still has credentials via his cryptography work to be in Quanitico and on the FBI campus and buildings.

Maybe things won't seem as weird to Hotch after Spencer's growth spurt.
Village-Mystic chapter 3 . 9/9/2016
I like how you are combining a lot of story types together. Your case story parts were stronger than I've seen in other de-aging stories (most of which I couldn't read more than a few chapters of). I wonder since they found no notes that they don't try to see "what if the unsub did have an eidetic memory" and search for people with hard science degrees who were known to have eidetic memories. They don't have any other leads - and that might be why there are no notes.
As for the Hotch-Reid relationship (established) - I always enjoy the stories where they get together - but established is cool. It certainly makes it harder to have this situation, though.
Ian-the-Existential-Crisis chapter 7 . 9/9/2016
Thank goodness . I thought you were quitting when i saw everything update at once. For the record i think you are right. I check regularly to make sure no one steals my stories.
Ian-the-Existential-Crisis chapter 6 . 4/14/2016
Well that was a nice ending.
Ian-the-Existential-Crisis chapter 4 . 4/14/2016
Ooo those feels, right at the end, yeah they hit me.
Sorry if my reviews seem stupid. I want to leave something for such a food story.
Ian-the-Existential-Crisis chapter 3 . 4/14/2016
Still 5'9 still taller than I'll ever be...
On another note, I can't blame him for not wanting to go back to high school. Having to do it once is bad enough.
Still living this story!
Ian-the-Existential-Crisis chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
... Sitting here all like 'He's 5'9 he should still look old enough (or tall enough) to go to work'. I mean that's still pretty tall... ugh I want to be 5'9...
tlcroft chapter 6 . 4/11/2016
Nice piece. I like the sense of humor running through everything though you obviously th0ught through the consequences of what happened to Reid and especially how it would affect his relationship with Hotch. And the end was great-esp0ecially the teasing about how Hotch ne3ver noticed being hit on the first time he was this age.
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