Reviews for Not Tonight
Buckee chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
Loving it!
Buckee chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
Absolutely love the way you write these two. Looking forward to reading some more over the next chapters.
Sansoki chapter 13 . 6/13/2019
Ok, so I am terrible for reading all the way through as quickly as possible, but I do try to leave reviews when I remember to.

This is easily one of the best Kastle fics I have ever read, and I think it even makes the top 10 lists of fics I've read, period. My favourite thing about this story as compared to most Kastle fics is that you did a fantastic job of giving us Frank's side of the story. A lot of Kastle fics portray Karen as falling for this man of mystery, and while she acknowledges that she doesn't want to replace Frank's family and the like, we never get to really see him work through those same issues. You gave both Karen and Frank time to shine and to develop, and it was a pleasure to read.

I also enjoyed your use of physicality, or lack thereof. I really enjoyed the lack of smut, because you were able to communicate so much more using simple touches and gestures. You really captured the nuances of being in a relationship that extends far beyond physical attraction, and I thought it was beautiful.

I also cracked up more than a few times, which was difficult to contain at 3:30 in the morning. You struck just the right mix of humour and seriousness. Foggy in particular stands out as sounding exactly like Foggy.

All in all, bravo! I look forward to coming back to read this again.
VampirePrincess86 chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
This was soo GOOD. I love Karen and franks relationship. I know she will be back for season 2. I hope she is on the show as a regular cast. You can tell they care for each other a lot.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/29/2018
This is some of the best writing I have ever read, and honestly feels like it could exist in canon of the Netflix Marvel universe. Please keep writing.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/18/2018
Sigh...Love this.
salmonellafitzgerald chapter 8 . 12/21/2017
This chapter genuinely made me cry. When he came to the revelation that Karen (she) "was their voice", jeesh, the tears. Great job. All the hugs.
PoisonIvy533 chapter 13 . 12/14/2017
This was amazing! I smiled so many times. I always feel like an idiot smiling at my phone in public but I couldn't help it! Good job.
Fangirl1227 chapter 13 . 12/8/2017
Just read all of your story! Loved the last chap! Loved all of it really, such a amazing story!
shehzaadimira chapter 13 . 11/24/2017
This was honestly such a pleasure to read! I loved the pacing! Your characterizations were SPOT ON and I was actually confused when I first started watching The Punisher because I thought all of this had already taken place since it feels so REAL! I honestly felt like I was being drawn into the story. I really enjoyed being in the world/reality you created with this story so I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to experience this beautiful work of fiction. I look forward to your future works but in the meantime, I'll be rereading this story and your past fics as well!
N.J chapter 1 . 9/26/2017
Will there be more chapter on this story? In love with it!
Melissa chapter 13 . 9/11/2017
Im mostly just a lurker on fanfiction but Damn this was really good. I really enjoyed the pace you set and how the relationship between all the charaters feel almost as real on the show. I don't know if your going to continue but i really hope you do.
WinterEveOrchid chapter 13 . 8/26/2017
Beautiful, beautiful story! The pacing, the characters, the romance are all perfect, thank you so much for sharing your fic
Not Enough Answers chapter 13 . 8/24/2017
This is a beautiful story and was such a pleasure to read! You characterized Karen and Frank perfectly, and I look forward to rereading it many more times. :)
SunnyZim chapter 13 . 8/20/2017
Just finished rereading this and loved it! You write so well and the characterization in this story seems spot on to me. A very satisfying read;-) I was so excited to see that Karen is going to be a main character in the new Punisher series and I really hope we see something romantic develop between them! I could never understand Matt's obsession with Elektra who I think is a murdering psychopath so I do think Karen deserves better. And I absolutely adore her dynamic with Frank. Thanks for this story!
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